What's new in WorkZone Content Server

WorkZone Content Server 2022.2

CPR Lookup using KMD Logic

A new method of retrieving CPR data from the Danish CPR Office has been introduced: The CPR Lookup using KMD Logic module.

The CPR Lookup using KMD Logic module is a WorkZone application module that manages the import of CPR contact data from the Danish CPR-Office into the WorkZone database, much like the CPR Integration module. The CPR Lookup module accesses CPR data from the Datafordeler, using KMD Logic as an intermediary.

The CPR Lookup module is intended for public-sector WorkZone Cloud Edition customers but can used for on-premise public-sector WorkZone installations instead of the CPR Integration module.

The CPR Lookup using KMD Logic module requires a valid Datafordeler account as well as a KMD Logic account. Both of these accounts must be set up to communicate with other and WorkZone must then be configured to communicate with the  KMD Logic platform.