What's new in WorkZone Configurator 2022.2

New Organization section for creation and maintenance of organization units and user assignment for WorkZone Cloud Edition

If you are operating WorkZone Cloud Edition, the creation and maintenance of your organizational units and unit hierarchy must be performed in WorkZone ConfiguratorOrganizationOrganizational units because Microsoft Azure Active Directory does not currently contain features for the creation and maintenance of organizational units required for WorkZone user administration and hierarchical structure.

A new Organization section has been introduced in WorkZone Configurator. The Organization section contains the following configuration pages for WorkZone Cloud Edition installations only.

  • Users: New configuration page. View a list of all users in your WorkZone Cloud Edition installation and assign one or multiple users to an organizational unit.
    The users listed here originate from your the Microsoft Azure Active Directory where they are created and maintained.
    On-premise WorkZone installations must use the Users page in the Security section. On-premise WorkZone installations cannot assign users to units from WorkZone Configurator and must use their on-premise Microsoft Active Directory installation instead.
  • Organizational Units: New configuration page. View, create and maintain all the organizational units in your WorkZone Cloud Edition. If you are running an on-premise WorkZone installations, you must create and maintain your organizational units in your on-premise Microsoft Active Directory instead.

New Services section in WorkZone Configurator

A new Services section has been introduced in WorkZone Configurator. The Services section contains configuration pages for the following services:

  • Agenda Management: Moved to the Services page from Global.
  • Templafy: Moved to the Services page from Global.
  • SCIM Provisioning: Moved to the Services page from Global.
  • CPR KMD Logic: New page.

The WorkZone Configurator start page has likewise also been updated with a new Services section.

New CPR KMD Logic configuration page

A new KMD Logic configuration page has been introduced on the Services page for setting up connection parameters for WorkZone Cloud Edition when using CPR Lookup using KMD Logic.

Selectable contact types

Contact types can be defined as Selectable in the contact type properties form in WorkZone ConfiguratorContact types. Users can only create contacts types that have been defined as selectable. Non-selectable contact types are not displayed in the contact drop-down list in the main ribbon when creating a new contact in WorkZone Client.

Existing non-selectable contact types can still be searched for.

Use document culture setting for date format fields when generating PDF documents

The new Use document culture for date format fields setting has been introduced to the WorkZone PDF Engine settings. The setting enables you to have display different date formats for different cultures in the PDF rendition of the document. for example (Danish) Day-Month-Year and (American) Month-Day-Year.

  • If the Use document culture for date format fields setting is enabled, the culture setting for each page in the document will be applied to all date format fields on that page when generating a PDF rendition of the document. A document with multiple culture settings will generate a PDF document with different date formats, depending on the culture setting of each page.
  • If the Use document culture for date format fields setting is disabled, the culture of the first page in the document will be applied to all date format fields in the document when generating a PDF rendition of the document. A document with multiple culture settings will generate a PDF document with the same date format for all pages.

The Use document culture for date format fields setting is disabled by default.

Use log setting name change

The Log only main entities use log parameter on the WorkZone Configurator > Logs > Use log settings page has been renamed Use expanded logging and the functionality switched to align better with general user perception of the effects of enabling or disabling parameters.

Previously, enabling the Log only main entities use log parameter setting would result in a decreased level of logging as direct user access of a case, document, or contact would be logged and disabling the parameter would result in an increased level of logging.

Now enabling the Use expanded logging parameter will lead to an increased level of logging and disabling the Use expanded logging parameter will result in a decreased level of logging (Only direct user access of a case, document, or contact will be logged)

The Use expanded logging parameter is disabled by default.

Important: When upgrading from an existing WorkZone installation, the Use expanded logging parameter will be disabled after upgrade.

If you have disabled the old Log only main entities parameter , you must enable the new Use expanded logging parameter after upgrade if you want to maintain the same level of logging in your new WorkZone version.

Language selector introduced on the WorkZone Configurator start page

A language selector has been introduced on the WorkZone Configurator start page which enables users to dynamically change the WorkZone Configurator user interface language.

Only languages that have been enabled for use in WorkZone Configurator > Global > Language settings can be selected.

Currently only Japanese and English are supported as user interface languages for WorkZone Configurator.