What's new in WorkZone Client

WorkZone Client 2023.0


Add documents to cases with drag-and-drop

You can now add documents to cases by dragging and dropping the needed files from your file system.

Before you can drag and drop files, the new Drag and drop files setting must first be enabled in WorkZone Configurator (under Global > Feature settings > Client > Drag and drop files. This setting is enabled by default).

See Add a new case document.

Validate documents for PDF/Universal Accessibility (UA) compliance

You can now check whether a PDF document is a valid PDF/UA file. Verified PDF/UA documents will be displayed with the green "UA" badge on their document icons. See Validate a document for PDF/Universal Accessibility (UA) compliance.

Note: PDF/UA compliance is not supported in SmartPost and Mass Dispatch in this release.

Print multiple documents from a document list

From the document list, you can now create a printable PDF file with multiple documents. Previously, you could only create a printable PDF file with multiple documents from the same case.

See Print multiple documents from a list.

Improved flow for opening email documents from WorkZone Client without having WorkZone for Office client installed locally

If WorkZone for Office client is not installed locally, upon clicking Open for an Outlook email document, you will be suggested to download that document to your hard disk instead.

See Open a document in corresponding program.

Case field is no longer prefilled when context is unknown

The Case field is no longer prefilled for documents that are uploaded from the file system or for new information items.

The Share > In mail menu will only be displayed to users who have WorkZone for Office installed

The Share > In mail menu for cases and documents will only be displayed to the users who have the WorkZone for Office client installed on their machine. From Share > the In mail menu, you can send the WorkZone link to a case or a document, send a document as an email attachment, or send a document as a PDF file.

See Send a link to a case in an e-mail message and Share a WorkZone link or a document itself in an e-mail message.

Unit configurations of WorkZone Client can now be applied to all subordinate units

A new type of unit configurations, Unit configuration with inheritance for subunits is now available. These unit configurations will apply not only to the users directly in the unit, but also to the users in all other subordinate units down the hierarchy. Unit configurations that are applied only to the unit itself (bypassing the subunits or sub-subunits) are now known as Unit configurations (no inheritance).

To apply a unit configuration to all subunits, you must save this unit configuration as Unit configuration, with inheritance for subunits in WorkZone Client, and enable the new Configuration inheritance setting in WorkZone Configurator (under Global > Feature settings > Client > Configuration inheritance. This setting is disabled by default).

  • All existing unit configurations of WorkZone Client have automatically been saved as Unit configurations (no inheritance). Change them to Unit configuration, with inheritance for subunits, if needed.
  • If more than one unit configuration applies to the same user, for example, a configuration of a unit, a subunit, and a sub-subunit, the configuration settings of the lowest hierarchy level will take precedence. That is, in case of conflicts between settings of unit, a subunit, and a sub-subunit configurations, the sub-subunit configuration settings will have the highest priority, and unit configuration settings will have the lowest priority.

See Configuration types and priorities and How configurations merge for more information.

Support for Templafy Hive

If your organization uses Templafy Hive, it is now possible to create Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents in WorkZone Client based on one of your organization's templates in Templafy Hive.

See Create a document (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) from Templafy.

Prerequisite: The Templafy Hive module must be installed in WorkZone Configurator (under Global > Templafy integration), and the Templafy Hive connection must be set up correctly in WorkZone Configurator under Services > Templafy settings.

Suggested redaction for PDF document (Experimental feature)

Working with PDF documents, you can use automated redaction suggestions to minimize manual work for redacting confidential or other potentially sensitive information.


  • Your organization must use the WorkZone Cloud Edition.
  • A licensed version of Advanced PDF (either the Annotation and Redaction license or the Advanced Editing license) must be available to your organization.
  • The Suggest redaction feature must be enabled in WorkZone Configurator (under Client > Advanced PDF > Suggest redaction).