Manage contacts
In the following, the basic tasks associated with contacts are described. See also About contacts.
Create a new contact
If you are creating a company with CVR or Person with CPR, see Create a contact by CPR (persons) or CVR (companies) number below.
- In the Main ribbon, click
Contact and in the menu, select the contact type you want to create.
- A new contact detail page is displayed on a new tab.
- In the new contact detail page > ID field, if the ID has not been auto-generated, enter the unique number for the contact.
- In the new contact detail page, define any other relevant contact information in the fields of the detail page.
Read about the fields in Fields on the contact detail page. - In the Main ribbon, click
Save .
Create/update contacts using CPR (persons) or CVR (companies)
Persons (with CPR) contacts
When creating Persons (with CPR) contacts, you can import core contact data from the Danish Central Office of Civil Registration if your organization has enabled and configured CPR Integration for Persons (with CPR) contacts.
Additionally, if your organization has enabled and configured CPR Batch to subscribe to changes from the Danish Central Office of Civil Registration, contact data for existing Persons (with CPR) contacts will automatically be updated with the changes. If your organization does not use CPR Batch, all updates to your contact data must be performed manually.
Companies (with CVR) contacts
When creating Companies (with CVR) contacts, you can import core contact data from the Danish Central Business Register if your organization has enabled and configured CVR Online for Companies (with CVR) contacts.
Additionally, if your organization has enabled and configured CVR Update to subscribe to changes from the Danish Central Business Register, contact data for existing Companies (with CVR) and Production unit contacts will automatically be updated with the changes. If your organization does not use CVR Update, all updates to your contact data must be performed manually.
Create a new contact or update an existing contact by CPR number
All residents of Denmark have personal CPR (Civil Personal Registration) numbers. You can use CPR numbers to download general contact information from the Central Office of Civil Registration to WorkZone with the CPR Integration module, helping you to quickly create new contacts.
The CPR number must have this format: ddmmyy-xxxx.
Existing CPR contacts can also be automatically updated using the CPR Batch module which can be set up to run periodically by a system administrator. CPR Batch will only update CPR contacts that have been imported and also subscribe to CPR Batch.
Changed contact CPR number
If a contact's CPR number is updated, for example if the contact has registered a gender change, the contact's previous CPR number is stored in the Previous name code field to help users search for the contact using the previous CPR number as well as the new one. You can add the Previous name code field to contact searches, contact lists and the contact detail page.
If your organization subscribes to WorkZone CPR Batch, the contact's data is automatically updated, including any changed CPR numbers.
If your organization does not subscribe to CPR Batch, you must update the contact manually using CPR Online. When you update the contact manually, the current and new CPR number will be displayed in a separate form prior to importing.
Note: The Previous name code field is not displayed by default and must be added manually to searches and lists. The Previous name code field is read-only and cannot be updated manually by WorkZone users.
Prerequisite: CPR Online must be configured and set up correctly to import CPR contact data from the Central Office of Civil Registration and CPR Batch must be configured and set up correctly to subscribe to updates of CPR contact data.
- In the ribbon, click
Contact > Persons (with CPR).
- In the ID field, click
Import contact to open the Import contact by CPR number form. You can also enter the CPR number in the ID field and then click
Import contact.
- In the Import contact by CPR number form, enter a CPR number in the ID field and click Search. If you have specified a valid CPR number in step 2 above, the ID field will be pre-filled with this CPR number.
- Click Search to search for contact information from the Central Office of Civil Registration. The search results will also include any close relatives of the CPR number.
- Blue: The CPR number already exists as a contact
- Black: A person related to the CPR number already exists as a contact.
- Grey: The CPR number does not exist as a contact.
- In the Import contact by CPR number form, select the contacts you want to add or update and
- Click Refresh selected to update contact information for the selected contacts in the Import contact by CPR number form.
- Click Import selected to import the selected contacts into WorkZone. Contact information will be updated for existing contacts according to the Danish Civil Registration System. New contacts will be created if they do not exist in WorkZone and meta data fields such as name and address will automatically be populated.
The color of the record provides the following additional information:
If your organization is using CPR Batch to update your CPR contact data, a subscription for updates will automatically be created when you import the contact into WorkZone.
Guardians and wards
Guardians with CPR numbers must be selected manually from the list of CPR contacts when importing the ward from CPR Online. Guardians without CPR numbers are not listed and will by default be automatically imported as a Person (without CPR) contact when the ward is imported.
Note: The default contact type (known as Name types) of guardians without CPR numbers can be changed to better suit your organization's requirements. For more information, see Configure CPR Connection
When a guardian is imported, a Guardian reference will also automatically be created between the contact and the guardian. If necessary, the reference is updated when the contact is updated.
If a new guardian without CPR number is assigned to the contact and the contact subscribes to CPR Batch updates, the next update will create the new guardian in WorkZone along with a new reference with the Guardian role. The old guardian contact will not be deleted from WorkZone but the reference between the old guardian and the contact will be removed.
Tip: If you are using CPR Batch to update your CPR contacts, updates will be made automatically as new information is imported into WorkZone. If you need an overview of the changes made to your contacts, you can create and save a query in WorkZone QueryBuilder that displays all updated contacts within a specific time frame (for example within the last 2 weeks) and add it to your dashboard and navigation pane as a saved search list.
See Also
Create a company contact by CVR or P-number
All companies in Denmark are required to have an identification number known as a CVR (Central Business Register) number. You can use CVR numbers to download general business contact information from the Central Business Register to WorkZone and quickly create new contacts or update the existing ones. A CVR number is an eight-character number with the following format: xxxxxxxx. A company can have multiple addresses, for example, a headquarters and several production addresses. Each address must also have a unique Production unit number (P-number). The P-number is a ten-character number with this format xxxxxxxxxx. P-units can have the same CVR number.

The municipality field (called Municipality code in WorkZone Client) can be displayed in the Address detail tab on the Contact detail page, the Parties detail tab on the Case detail page and added to Contact searches using the Show all fields button. The Municipality code field can also be added in contact reference selectors.
Tip: You can search for a company either by using the CVR number, P-number and/or company name. P-number searches are faster than CVR number searches. Searches by company name are slowest as they are the broadest searches.
- In the ribbon, click
Contact > Companies (with CVR).
- In the Contact detail tab > ID field, click the Import contact
icon to open the Import Company form.
- In the Import Company form > ID field, enter a valid CVR or P-number to search for a company by CVR or P number.
- (Optional) In the Import Company form > Name field, enter a name in the Name field. You do not need to use search by company name if you have the CVR or P-number. You must enter the company name exactly as it is registered in the Central Business Register. Note that the registered company may deviate from the popular or known company name. The search is case-sensitive and will not return "fuzzy" hit results.
- Select the Import only CVR Companies check box to exclude P-numbers from the search results, displaying only CVR numbers. If you have entered a valid P-number in the ID field above, the P-number will be displayed regardless of the Import only CVR Companies check box.
- Click Search to retrieve company data from the CVR register. The search results include the searched company and its units.
- Dark Blue: The CVR number already exists as a contact
- Dark Grey: The CVR number does not exist as a contact.
- Light Blue: The P-number already exists as a contact.
- Light Grey: The P-number does not exist as a contact.
- Select companies and units that you want to add as contacts and click Import selected. Once you click the button, new contacts are created and saved in WorkZone. Meta data fields such as name and address are automatically populated. If you select existing contacts, information about them will be updated according to the Danish Civil Registration System.
The color of the record provides the following additional information:
Creating a contact person without a CPR number or a company without a CVR number
Non-Danish contact persons or companies must be created as a Person (without CPR) or a Companies (without CVR number).
Edit a contact
You can change information on an existing contact. For example, you can add and remove addresses or edit case references.
Contacts can be edited from the contact detail page or from a contacts list.
From the contact detail page
- Open the detail page of a contact you want to edit.
- Click the meta data field that you want to edit, and make your changes.
- In the Main ribbon, click
Save .
Open a relevant detail tab (for example Case references), and make your changes.
From a contacts lists
- In the Home tab, in the navigation pane, select a contacts list.
- In the list area, select the contact you want to edit. You can select and edit multiple contacts.
- Right-click on the contact in the list and select
Edit and the information you want to edit.
- Define the new values in the dialog and click Edit.
Edit contact state
- Open the detail page of a contact for which you want to edit the state.
- In the State field, select a state from the list.
- Click
Save to save the contact. The life cycle of the contact is updated with the new state.
View the life cycle of a contact
The life cycle shows the progress of a contact since its creation, that is:
- When the State field was changed.
- To what value the State field was changed.
- Who has made the change (column Performed by).
- When the contact was created, closed, or reopened (column Action).
To view the life cycle of a contact, follow these steps.
- Open the detail page of a contact whose life cycle you want to see.
- From the detail tabs, open the Life cycle tab.
To add or remove more columns, see add more columns.
Close a contact
Usually you close a contact if the contact is an organization that has ceased to exist.
A closed contact will still be preserved as a party where it is added as a party.
- Open the detail page of a contact you want to close.
- Insert a date in the Contact end date field.
- Click
Save . The contact will be closed as of this date.
Copy a contact to the clipboard
You can copy a link to a contact in WorkZone and, for example, paste it in a document.
- Open the detail page of a contact that you want to copy to your clipboard, or select it from a list.
- In the Main ribbon, click
Share > Copy to clipboard. If you are using a contacts list, you can also right-click on the contact in the list and select
Share > Copy to clipboard.
- Paste the link, for example, in a document.
Delete a contact
- The contact must not have references to cases, documents, or to other contacts. Remove any references to these elements before deleting the contact.
- You cannot delete contacts of the types Employee and Unit.
You can get an overview of a contact's references by using the Case references, Documents, References to deleted documents and References to deleted cases detail tabs on the contact detail page.
To delete a contact, proceed with the following steps:
- Open the detail page of the contact you want to delete.
- In the ribbon, click
Deleteand then Yes in the Confirm dialog.
Important: Contacts are permanently deleted immediately and cannot be restored.