What's new in Contact lookup and synchronization (CPR/CVR)


New guide name

The guide has been renamed from CPR/CVR Integration Configuration Guide to Contact lookup and synchronization (CPR/CVR).

Contact lookup and Contact update (CPR/CVR) modules

The new CPR/CVR Contact lookup and Contact update modules are now available for WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.

  • Contact lookup (CPR/CVR): works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
  • Contact update - CPR: works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
  • Contact update - CVR: works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup or with the on-premises WorkZone installations.

The new Contact lookup and Contact update modules replace the old CPR Integration/CVR Integration and CVR Update modules. See About contact lookup and About contact update.

Note that you can enable Contact lookup - CPR and CVR for both public-sector companies/administrations and private companies. Contact update - CPR is not yet supported for private companies.

Aligned CPR/CVR feature settings

The feature settings under Client and Content Server in WorkZone Configurator have been aligned and renamed to help selecting the feature settings that match the CPR/CVR modules that you use.


See CPR/CVR modules overview, About Contact lookup , and About Contact update .