The Processes Module

The Processes module is used to configure WorkZone Process processes. The packages that you have installed are shown in this module. You can specify the order, access, and start and end date of the processes.

Process ID A unique identifier of the process.
Guid The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) of the process.
Name The name of the process.
Version The process version number.
Type The type of process. Possible types are:
  • MAIN - Phase processes.
  • SUB - Processes that can run both as standalone processes and subprocesses under a main process.
  • CASEACT - Case activities package.
  • SERVICE - Service workflows.
  • SUBSVC - Processes that are started by service workflows.

The CASEACT, SERVICE, and SUBSVC process types are not visible in the Processes overview.

Order The order of the processes, which defines the display order of the processes in the Process menu in WorkZone Client and WorkZone for Office.
Access Code You cannot specify this setting.
Start The process start date. As of this date the process will be available.
End The process end date. As of this date the process will no longer be available.
Access Configure who can access the processes in the current environment.
  • ACTOR - Only the current user.
  • DELEGATE - The user who has access rights to WorkZone Process can delegate access rights to another user.
  • ALL - Access is not limited to a specific user.

By default this setting is not specified. The value of the Access setting in the   is used.

Process specific settings

You can enter settings for each of the processes. Select a process and specify settings for the selected process in the lower part of the screen.

Manage process versions and access to processes

In the lower left part of the screen, you can see installed versions of a process, specify start and end date, and who should have access to the process from the Process menu in WorkZone Client.

Process Id A unique identifier of the process.
Workflow Id A unique identifier of the workflow.
Type name The name of the process.
Version The process version.
Start date The process start date. As of this date the process will be available.
End date The process end date. As of this date the process will no longer be available.
Access code Specify who should be able to start a process from the Process menu in WorkZone Client and WorkZone for Office. You can enter users or organizational units. If you do not enter a value, the selected process will be available to all users in the organization.
Profile enabled Select this check box to enable a log profile for process. See Reduce log information in the workflow log using a log profile.

Configure process specific settings

Some of the processes have specific settings that you can configure to suit an organization’s specific way of working. Select a process and specify the settings for the selected process in the lower right corner.

For more information about process specific settings, see the WorkZone Process Administrator's Guide, for example the topics: