What's new in WorkZone Client


Use document creation date as Letter date for added case documents

You can have the document creation date automatically inserted as the Letter date for your case documents added to a case via drag and drop from Outlook or from the file system.

  • For items added from Outlook, the Letter date will be the current date.
  • For items added from the file system, the Letter date will be the last modified date of that item.


  • The Use letter date as document created date setting must be enabled by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator > Explorer > Explorer configuration.
  • The Drag and drop files setting must be enabled in administrator in WorkZone Configurator > Feature settings > Client.


New standard field Case start available for case detail pages

The new Case start field indicates the date when the case was started. This field is filled in manually and can be relevant if, for example, the case start date is different from the date when the case was created in WorkZone.

This field is not displayed by default and must be added to the case detail page configuration by a system administrator.


Flag items in the case, document, or contact lists

When working with case, document, or contact lists, you can flag items to distinguish them from the rest. For example, you can flag the items that you find most relevant to a particular case, or would like to check first, or would like to print. By adding the Flaggedcolumn to your list view and sorting by it, you can quickly access your flagged items in a case, document, or contact list. See Flagged items.

Search for columns in the Select columns dialog

When configuring the columns settings, you can now search for the needed column by typing its name in the Select columns dialog.