What's new in WorkZone Configurator 2024.0

New Contact creation settings for Outlook
New Contact creation section is added to the Outlook configuration page:
- Enable automatic creation of new contacts for unknown email addresses: When this option is enabled, email contacts not found in WorkZone will be automatically suggested as New parties. Users can click Add party to save that email as a new contact. When this option is disabled, users will have to create new contacts manually.
- Suggest creation of new contacts for senders, recipients and Cc recipients, that do not exist in WorkZone yet: When this option is enabled, senders, recipients, and Cc that do not exist in WorkZone will be automatically preselected as parties with corresponding roles.
Add Exchange Server URL for WorkZone 365
A new External services page has been added under Services. Here you can add the Microsoft Exchange Server URLs allowed to be called from the WorkZone 365 server. This is required, if your organization wants to use WorkZone 365 with shared mailboxes on the Exchange Server 2019. See External services .
Use document creation date as Letter date for added case documents
Enable the Use letter date as document created date setting in WorkZone Configurator > Explorer > Explorer configuration to have the document creation date automatically inserted as the Letter date for your case documents added to a case via drag and drop from Outlook or from the file system.
- For items added from Outlook, the Letter date will be the current date.
- For items added from the file system, the Letter date will be the last modified date of that item.
The Drag and drop files setting must first be enabled in WorkZone Configurator > Feature settings > Client.
Contact lookup and Contact update (CPR/CVR) modules
The new CPR/CVR Contact lookup and Contact update modules are now available for WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
- Contact lookup (CPR/CVR): works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
- Contact update - CPR: works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
- Contact update - CVR: works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup or with the on-premises WorkZone installations.
The new Contact lookup and Contact update modules replace the old CPR Integration/CVR Integration and CVR Update modules. See About Contact lookup and About Contact update.
To use the new Contact lookup, enable the following feature settings in WorkZone Configurator:
- Client > Contact lookup
- Client > Contact lookup > CPR
- Client > Contact lookup > CVR
- Content Server > Contact lookup.
Disable the Client > CPR Integration, Client > CVR Integration, Content Server > CPR Integration and Content Server > CVR Integration settings, as these settings will override the new Contact lookup.
To use the new Contact update, enable the following feature settings in WorkZone Configurator:
- Content Server > Contact update
- Content Server > Contact update > CPR
- Content Server > Contact update > CVR
Disable the Client > CPR Integration, Client > CVR Integration, Content Server > CPR Integration and Content Server > CVR Integration settings, as these settings will override the new Contact update.
Manage process packages
A new Process packages page has been added under Process. On this page, you can add new or update existing process packages. See Process packages.
Allow creating standard cases from WorkZone 365
New Allow create Standard cases setting is added under Case creation in the Outlook configuration tab. Enable this option to allow users creating WorkZone cases with the Standard case case category from WorkZone 365. See Outlook configuration.
Change SCIM prefixes
A new SCIM prefixes page has been added under Services. On this page, you can change the default prefix for security groups, access groups, and profiles, for example, if you want to support multiple WorkZone instances in the same Azure AD. See Change SCIM prefixes.

@Me and @Unit parameters supported for the Read and Write access in a case group's default values
The default values for a case group now support @Me (current user) and @Unit (current user's unit) parameters for the Read access and Write access fields. See Define default values for a case group.
New relative period supported for the Relative retention period of retention policies
A new "@[Time period]+[number]" or "@[Time period][number]" format (case-sensitive) is now supported for setting up a related date at the beginning of the specified time period. For example, enter @Month+3 to set a retention period that starts on the first day of a third month from today's date. See step 3 under Create a retention policy.
Configure accounts for the third-party apps integrated to WorkZone
On the new Integrations tab under Global > OAuth you can configure access to WorkZone by the third-party apps that are registered in your Azure Tenant. See The Integrations tab.
Suggested AI redaction for PDF documents
New Entities for AI redaction page is added under PDF. Here you can configure entities that can be used for AI suggested redaction in WorkZone Client. See Entities for AI redaction.
- The Annotations and redaction license to Advanced PDF must be purchased separately.
- The Suggest redaction feature setting must be enabled in WorkZone Configurator > Global > Feature Settings > Client > Advanced PDF > Redaction > Suggest redaction.
- In WorkZone Client, the Preview pane must be configured to make the Advanced PDF pane available to users.

Configure default document type for Outlook emails saved on WorkZone cases
New Default document type when saving an email on a case setting is added to the Outlook configuration tab. Define the default document type for incoming and outgoing emails saved on WorkZone cases via WorkZone 365. See Outlook configuration.
Document processing status added as a new system droplist
New DOCPSTAT, Document processing status value has been added to the existing system droplists (Global > System droplists). You can use it to describe where documents currently are in their processing flow (for example, New, Under processing, etc.). For example, you can track processing flow of the documents created by Mailbox monitor service workflow (by creating relevant document processing statuses in WorkZone Configurator under DOCPSTAT, Document processing status, and then enabling ProcessingStatus in the Mailbox monitor service workflow (Process > Service workflows)). Processing status field will be available on the document detail pages, document lists, and document search pages in WorkZone Client. See System droplists and Configure a Mailbox Monitor service workflow for more information.
Exact searching added for text filters
New Use exact search option is added for all text filters in WorkZone Configurator. Enable the Use exact search option to see only the exact matches for your filtering value, or leave it disabled to see the broad matching results. See Filter a list by values.
Azure Maps settings for address suggestion
New Azure Maps settings page is added under Services. Here you can set up Azure Maps to0 enable address suggestion in WorkZone Client. See Azure Maps settings and Suggest address for more information.

Additional PDF format settings for converted PDF documents
Additional PDF format settings are added to the PDF format under Output Settings in PDF Crawler and Engine configuration:
- PDF: Standard PDF format for generic usage
- PDF/A (Archival): A PDF format that is used for long-term storage
- PDF/UA (Universal Accessibility): A PDF format that ensures accessibility for people with disabilities who use assistive technology to navigate and read electronic content. Currently PDF/UA format is supported for PDF and Word documents only. See Working with PDF/UA documents for more information.
Note: In case of a failed PDF/UA rendition, the document will be reverted to the standard PDF version.

Apply unit configurations to all subunits
New Configuration inheritance setting is added under Global > Feature settings > Client. By enabling this feature, you can apply unit configurations saved as Unit configuration with inheritance for subunits not only to the users directly in the unit, but also to the users in all subunits and sub-subunits down the hierarchy.
Add documents to cases via drag-and-drop
New Drag and drop files setting is added under Global > Feature settings > Client. By enabling this feature, you can add documents to cases by dragging and dropping the needed files from your file system.
Support for Templafy Hive
New Templafy Hive feature setting is added under Global > Feature settings > Client >Templafy integration. By enabling this feature, you can now configure settings for Templafy Hive connection and be able to create documents (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) in WorkZone Client based on the Templafy templates. See Templafy settings.

Restrict selection of specific case groups when creating cases
- New Selectable option will allow you to define whether a specific case group will be selectable to the users during case creation from clients, such as WorkZone Client, WorkZone 365, and WorkZone for Office. If the Selectable option is disabled, the users will not be able to create cases in this case group, but will be able to search for cases belonging to this case group. See Create a case group.
- Disabling the Case creation toggle for a case group will now automatically disable also the Selectable and Subnumber required options for this group.
Filter date columns by Empty or Filled in values
When filtering date columns (such as start date or end date, for example), you can now select to only display properties where date values are empty or filled in.
Hidden case categories
You can now make the case categories hidden. Hidden case categories will remain in WorkZone but will not be visible to the users. You can hide or unhide a case category at any time (under Case > Properties > Case categories). Some of the existing system case categories are now hidden by default (as defined in their WorkZone Content Server settings).
Improved Ditmer Agenda Management integration
You can now create a system user with the name_code WORKZONEAGMUSER and have impersonation configured automatically. When the WORKZONEAGMUSER user is replicated to WorkZone, the ALLOW_IMPERSONATION and UNIVERSAL_ACCESS fields are automatically set to:
If you have already configured the WorkZone integration to Agenda Management, and you have enabled impersonation for a user, you can continue to use this user.
See Agenda Management settings.
View metadata for a DCR process
You can now view metadata for imported DCR processes in the Create case activity dialog. Expand the new DCR process metadata section to see the metadata for the DCR process. You can, for example, use this information to verify that you have imported the correct version of a DCR process after making changes to it in the DCR Portal.
See View metadata for a DCR Process.
Download a DCR process file
You can download the DCR process file (XML file) that a case activity is based on. This can be useful if you want to edit a DCR process, but cannot locate the DCR process in DCR Portal.

New Organization section for creation and maintenance of organization units and user assignment for WorkZone Cloud Edition
If you are operating WorkZone Cloud Edition, the creation and maintenance of your organizational units and unit hierarchy must be performed in WorkZone Configurator > Organization > Organizational units because Microsoft Azure Active Directory does not currently contain features for the creation and maintenance of organizational units required for WorkZone user administration and hierarchical structure.
A new Organization section has been introduced in WorkZone Configurator. The Organization section contains the following configuration pages for WorkZone Cloud Edition installations only.
- Users: New configuration page. View a list of all users in your WorkZone Cloud Edition installation and assign one or multiple users to an organizational unit.
The users listed here originate from your the Microsoft Azure Active Directory where they are created and maintained.
On-premise WorkZone installations must use the Users page in the Security section. On-premise WorkZone installations cannot assign users to units from WorkZone Configurator and must use their on-premise Microsoft Active Directory installation instead. - Organizational Units: New configuration page. View, create and maintain all the organizational units in your WorkZone Cloud Edition. If you are running an on-premise WorkZone installations, you must create and maintain your organizational units in your on-premise Microsoft Active Directory instead.
New Services section in WorkZone Configurator
A new Services section has been introduced in WorkZone Configurator. The Services section contains configuration pages for the following services:
- Agenda Management: Moved to the Services page from Global.
- Templafy: Moved to the Services page from Global.
- SCIM Provisioning: Moved to the Services page from Global.
- CPR KMD Logic: New page.
The WorkZone Configurator start page has likewise also been updated with a new Services section.
New CPR KMD Logic configuration page
A new KMD Logic configuration page has been introduced on the Services page for setting up connection parameters for WorkZone Cloud Edition when using CPR Lookup using KMD Logic.
Selectable contact types
Contact types can be defined as Selectable in the contact type properties form in WorkZone Configurator > Contact types. Users can only create contacts types that have been defined as selectable. Non-selectable contact types are not displayed in the contact drop-down list in the main ribbon when creating a new contact in WorkZone Client.
Existing non-selectable contact types can still be searched for.
Use document culture setting for date format fields when generating PDF documents
The new Use document culture for date format fields setting has been introduced to the WorkZone PDF Engine settings. The setting enables you to have display different date formats for different cultures in the PDF rendition of the document. for example (Danish) Day-Month-Year and (American) Month-Day-Year.
- If the Use document culture for date format fields setting is enabled, the culture setting for each page in the document will be applied to all date format fields on that page when generating a PDF rendition of the document. A document with multiple culture settings will generate a PDF document with different date formats, depending on the culture setting of each page.
- If the Use document culture for date format fields setting is disabled, the culture of the first page in the document will be applied to all date format fields in the document when generating a PDF rendition of the document. A document with multiple culture settings will generate a PDF document with the same date format for all pages.
The Use document culture for date format fields setting is disabled by default.
Use log setting name change
The Log only main entities use log parameter on the WorkZone Configurator > Logs > Use log settings page has been renamed Use expanded logging and the functionality switched to align better with general user perception of the effects of enabling or disabling parameters.
Previously, enabling the Log only main entities use log parameter setting would result in a decreased level of logging as direct user access of a case, document, or contact would be logged and disabling the parameter would result in an increased level of logging.
Now enabling the Use expanded logging parameter will lead to an increased level of logging and disabling the Use expanded logging parameter will result in a decreased level of logging (Only direct user access of a case, document, or contact will be logged)
The Use expanded logging parameter is disabled by default.
Important: When upgrading from an existing WorkZone installation, the Use expanded logging parameter will be disabled after upgrade.
If you have disabled the old Log only main entities parameter , you must enable the new Use expanded logging parameter after upgrade if you want to maintain the same level of logging in your new WorkZone version.
Language selector introduced on the WorkZone Configurator start page
A language selector has been introduced on the WorkZone Configurator start page which enables users to dynamically change the WorkZone Configurator user interface language.
Only languages that have been enabled for use in WorkZone Configurator > Global > Language settings can be selected.
Currently only Japanese and English are supported as user interface languages for WorkZone Configurator.

SCIM provisioning
A system administrator can create a secret token for use in the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) enterprise application. The token is required for the configuration of an Azure AD enterprise application that is used for provisioning users from Azure AD to WorkZone in a WorkZone Cloud Edition setup.

Default Read and Write access codes when creating Contacts
System administrators can define a default Read access code and default Writing access code when configuring a Contact type. The default Read and Write access code will be displayed in the Read access field and the new Write access field on the Contact detail page in WorkZone Client when creating a new contact.
During contact creation, clearing the access code fields in WorkZone Client will result in the default access code from WorkZone Configurator being applied to the contact again when the contact is saved. After contact creation, the access code fields can be cleared and the contact saved without the default access code values from WorkZone Configurator being applied.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

Custom types can inherit the referenced case or contact’s access rights
Custom types that reference a case or contact can be protected by the access codes of the referencing case or contact. If a custom type contains multiple custom type fields that reference a case or contact, the custom type will inherit the access codes of all the referenced cases and contacts that inheritance has been enabled for, similar to WorkZone access code functionality.
Select the Protect by option on the custom type field parameters form to enable Access code inheritances for the custom type. The Protected by option is only accessible for custom type fields that reference cases or contacts.
Only custom type fields referencing cases and contacts can inherit the referenced case or contact’s access right. Custom type fields referencing document cannot not inherit the referenced document’s access rights.
Manually assign access rights to custom types
WorkZone users can also manually assign apply access codes to custom type records.
A system administrator must select the R/W Access code option in the properties of the custom type to enable users to set access rights on the custom type.
Access rights inherited by or assigned to custom types are applied throughout WorkZone, for example to search results performed in WorkZone QueryBuilder.
Advanced PDF feature settings and search rules
Feature settings for Advanced PDF have been added to Global > Feature Settings > Client.
The feature settings are used to enable Advanced PDF editing in WorkZone Client after purchase and configuration of Advanced PDF.
Feature settings
- Advanced PDF: Enables the free version of Advanced PDF which displays the document with an Apryse (previously known as PDFTron) watermark. This feature setting is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
- Advanced editing: Enables editing options in Advanced PDF in WorkZone Client.
This feature setting requires a separate PDF Advanced Editing license. - Annotations: Enables annotation options in Advanced PDF in WorkZone Client.
This feature setting requires a separate PDF Annotations and Redaction license. - Redaction: Select this feature setting to enable the Advanced PDF annotation functions.
This feature setting requires a separate PDF Annotations and Redaction license.
The Preview pane in WorkZone Client must be configured to display the Advanced PDF pane.
Advanced PDF redaction search rules
Search rules make it easier for users to search for and mark specific text snippets for redaction, for example email addresses or web addresses (the two search rules provided by default)
In WorkZone Configurator > PDF > Search rules, system administrators can create a set of customized search rules which users can apply to their searches when using the redaction options in Advanced PDF. Creating customized own search rules helps users search for other types of specific text snippets that are relevant to their organization, workflows or legislation such as social security numbers, titles, specific addresses, phone numbers or other texts that are to be redacted.
Search rules are formulated using regular expressions and can be used by all users once a rule has been saved and WorkZone Client refreshed.

Hidden custom properties in the WorkZone Client user interface
You can now make custom properties invisible and unsearchable in the WorkZone Client user interface (disregarding their start and end dates). This can be used, for example, for storing data that is not relevant to the WorkZone Client user interface. See Create a custom field.
Expiration date for global or departmental access
You can now define the expiration date for a global or departmental access granted to a user, to automatically revoke granted access at specified time and date. See Global and departmental access.
Security group rights
You can now configure security rights (that is, enable or disable user permissions to create, read, update, and delete entities and their information) for each security group (assigned security codes from 1-10). See Security group rights.
OAuth2 client mapping
When creating an OAuth2 client, you can now select a username to map to this client (this step is required, if Grant type is CLNTCRED, Client credentials). See OAuth settings.

Custom icons for WorkZone Client
You can store and assign custom SVG icons to items and entities in WorkZone Client. After adding an icon to the icons collection in WorkZone Configurator, you can define where and when this icon will be used by creating an icon assignment with specific conditions. Using custom icons, you can visually group, emphasize, or differentiate your WorkZone items according to your needs. See Icons collection and Custom icons assignments.
Postcode format improvements
Postcodes can now contain not only numbers, but also letters, spaces, hyphens, and similar characters, because these symbols can be part of postcodes in some countries. See Create a postcode.

System messages for WorkZone applications
You can create system messages that will be displayed to the end users in the user interface of the WorkZone applications. For example, you can create a system message about planned maintenance hours during which your system will be down or communicate any other information. You can select to display your system message to all or specific users based on their assigned access code. See System messages.
Improved PDF conversion settings for review information in PDF documents
- PDF forms: You can now select whether to include PDF forms as regular content or to show them as review edits when converting PDF documents.
- Annotations: You can now select whether to include annotations as regular content, show as edits, or hide completely, when converting PDF documents.

Information on WorkZone users
- The number of active users in your WorkZone system is now displayed on the start page of WorkZone Configurator. See Start page.
- On the new Users page, you can view a list of all users in your WorkZone system and their details (including user ID, full name, authority, user number, security code, UPN, and employee end date), and export this information to Excel for further processing. See Users.
- You can check access codes for a specific user. See View access codes for a user.
Process logs
You can view process logs for a specific workflow instance to track additional information about it (for example, to troubleshoot a failed process). See Process logs.
Create, edit, and update contact types
You can now create, fully edit, and delete contact types directly from WorkZone Configurator. See Contact types.
Mass edit service workflows
You can now enable or disable multiple service workflows at once. See Mass edit service workflows.
Mass Dispatch settings
Specify the Mass Dispatch service URL (located under Process > Process settings > Mass Dispatch settings) to use for the Mass Dispatch module. See Process settings.
e-Boks mail mapping
If your organization receives e-Boks messages that are sent to subunits (for example, to different authorities or subdivisions), you can map these messages to specific WorkZone cases and units. See e-Boks mail mapping.
Custom type improvements
- You can add descriptive text to a custom type entity, and have this text displayed in WorkZone Client when users look up this custom type field value in a drop-down list, or when users analyze relevant custom type data displayed in the dashboard widgets. See Add descriptive label to a custom type.
- You can now create custom type fields of the type Unique, and set validation rules for them. See Custom type fields and Validation rules.
Custom fields improvements
- A new data type, Custom type, has been added for custom field values. Custom fields of this type will become selectable from relevant droplists in WorkZone Client. See Custom fields.
- You can now create validation rules for custom fields of the type Unique. See Validation rules.
Define custom domain values as selectable or non-selectable
You can define whether specific custom domain droplist values will be selectable or non-selectable to users in WorkZone Client or WorkZone 365. The Selectable option is added for custom domain droplist values and properties for cases (Case categories, Case types, Case states), documents (Document groups, Document types, Document classification), taxonomies (subnumber type), retentions (reason for deletion), system droplists, and custom droplists. See Properties, Custom droplists, System droplists, Subnumber types, Reasons for deletion.
Case number format improvements
Case number components are now not case-sensitive (except for l and L). See Components and syntax of case number mask.

Customize labels for your copied processes
You can easily view, add, and edit labels for your copied processes (including labels in the process forms and user tasks) displayed in WorkZone Client to adjust them per your needs and context of your copied process. See Customize process labels.
Improved PDF conversion settings for review information
You can select to show, hide, accept, or reject review information (such as annotations, comments, notes, and tracked revisions) in the PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents during the PDF conversion. See PDF Crawler and Engine configuration.
New settings for retention policies
- Purge period: Define the purge period, after which the soft deleted cases and documents will be automatically purged (permanently deleted) from the system.
- Automatic purging: You can enable automatic purging (permanent deletion) of cases and documents after the specified purge period.
- Automatic soft deletion: You can enable automatic soft deletion of cases and documents after the specified retention period.
See Retention policies.
Define retention period for chats
You can define the retention period after which unretained inactive chats will be automatically deleted. See Chat settings.
Configure Templafy connection
If your organization uses Templafy to store and manage its Microsoft Office templates, you can configure settings for the Templafy connection and be able to create documents (Word, Excel, or Powerpoint) in WorkZone Client based on the Templafy templates. See Templafy settings.
Deletion log improvements
- You can define whether to include text values, such as case, document, or contact title/number, in the deletion logs. See Deletion log settings.
- You can see in the deletion logs who has soft-deleted the item (in addition to information who has hard-deleted the item). See Deletion logs.
Improved validation for custom droplist values to delete
Validation of the custom droplist values selected for deletion is improved.

Use logs
You can now view the use logs for WorkZone items to track who has accessed an item, when and how. You can also export the use logs to Excel for further processing. See Use logs.
Use log settings
You can set up the use logs settings for your organization: start or stop recording the use logs in your organization, minimize the use logs level, and consolidate your most recent use logs. See Use log settings.
Deletion logs
You can view the deletion logs for WorkZone items to track who has deleted an item, when and why. You can also export the deletion logs to Excel for further processing. See Deletion logs.
Date and time format for different languages
For systems with multiple language settings, you can define the date and time format to be displayed for each language in WorkZone Client. See Set date and time format for selected language.
Custom types
You can now create and configure custom types (previously known as custom lists) and enable them for cases, documents, or contacts to allow your WorkZone users register and maintain all information related to a custom type directly from a case, document, or contact they are working with. See Custom types.
Import/export configuration
The import/export configuration functionality now supports exporting/importing custom types. See Export and import WorkZone configurations.
Resizable columns in the lists
You can now resize the columns displayed in the lists. See Working with lists.
Process settings
The Processes overview section is removed from Process settings. You can configure process settings directly from Processes overview. See WorkZone Process User guide for more information about the Processes overview and how to use it.

Language configuration
For systems with multiple language settings, you can activate and deactivate available language packs and set the default language. See Language settings.
Global and departmental access
You can grant specific users global or departmental access to allow them access and edit items protected by security access codes that the user is not a part of. See Global and departmental access.
Custom fields
- You can now configure custom fields for addresses.
- New custom field types have been introduced for cases, documents and contacts: Unique, Address, Contact, Employee, Unit, Case, and Document.
See Custom fields.
Sorting by rank
You can now sort all droplists in custom domain by Rank. Ranking is assigned to entries in WorkZone Client. Sorting the droplist entries by Rank will order them according to their rank instead of alphabetical order.
Mass email registration
The new Mass registration of emails setting is added for Outlook configuration. Enable this option to edit common metadata for multiple Outlook emails saved at the same time.
Process notification settings
You can define notification settings for smarttasks sent as emails, push notifications and email notifications. See WorkZone Process settings.
Import/export configuration
The import / export configuration functionality now supports exporting/importing custom case lists, case categories, contact configuration (including custom fields) and address configuration (including custom fields). See Export and import WorkZone configurations.
Lock access rights inheritance
WorkZone can be set up to lock access rights inheritance, preventing users from removing inheritance of access codes. Inherited access rights are still displayed.
Lock access rights inheritance by enabling the Enforce Access Code Inheritance setting under WorkZone Configurator > Global > Feature settings > Content Server.

WorkZone module and feature activation
When installing WorkZone 2019.2, all modules are now installed collectively. This means that all features and functionality are included in the initial installation of WorkZone and do not require individual installation. Some modules and features are made available by default while others require individual activation in order access, configure and become available to users. You can activate modules and features in the Feature settings page on the Global tab of the WorkZone Configurator.
Custom lists and fields
A new way of storing case information has been introduced in WorkZone 2019.2 called custom lists and custom list fields.
Custom lists are case lists you can create and make available to WorkZone users. Custom lists must consist of at least one custom list field, which also must be created and set up.
Once you have created a custom list and its custom list fields, a user can include the list in the detail tabs of the case detail page and start entering data.
Custom list fields resemble customized fields, but are data fields that can contain multiple data values per case as opposed to custom fields which only can contain one data value per case. Like custom fields, you can attach a validation rule to a field and if it is a Droplist, define which droplist to use in the field.
You can define an activation period to a custom list as well as to each individual custom list field, enabling you to activate and deactivate lists and fields. Deactivated lists and fields are not displayed in the WorkZone Client user interface but retain any data they may contain.
Custom lists and custom list fields can be deleted but only if they do not contain any data. You can deactivate the custom list or field instead.
For more information, see Custom case lists
DateTime date type in Custom fields
Custom fields in WorkZone have been updated to include the DateTime data type. DataTime custom fields can contain a date and time.
OAuth2 framework
If the OAuth2 framework is to be utilized in your organization, a system administrator can create and set up the OAuth2 connections in WorkZone Configurator > Global > OAuth2 settings.
AGM Settings
As an experimental version, WorkZone Client can integrate with the Ditmer Agenda Management Module, allowing users to access the meetings, committees, meeting agendas and other elements of the Agenda Management Module.
The Agenda Management Module is part of the initial WorkZone installation, but must be set up correctly in order to be available to the user.
The Agenda Management Module is set up in WorkZone Configurator > Global > AGM Settings where a system administrator can configure OAuth2 settings for integration with the Agenda Management OAuth2 framework.
This is not the same as using the WorkZone Content Server OAuth2 authentication framework for validation of WorkZone clients or other external devices when integrating to WorkZone.
Installation information moved
You can now find information about installing WorkZone Configurator in a common WorkZone Installation Guide that covers installation of all WorkZone products.

No new features in the release.

WorkZone Process:
- Create, edit, and delete PDF conversion policies.
- Create, edit, and delete case monitoring rules sets and their rules.
- Define which documents are permitted to be sent via SmartPosts by using new fields in SmartPosts settings – ValidationProperty and ValidationValues. You can define values for these fields in custom document properties.
Global settings:
- Add, edit, and delete external (historical) databases.
- System droplists are now defined in a separate tab. There you can add and edit their values.
- It is now possible to define a rank for custom and system droplist values.
- Create, edit, and delete validation rules and associate them with the text custom fields. The validation rules define required text format (pattern) for custom fields.
- The System property is now displayed on the most of Case, Document, and Contact pages. It notifies you whether a list item is used by the system. If it is used, you cannot delete it as well as edit start and end dates.
Other changes:
- In WorkZone Client, any custom field or an information field can now display a list of countries. To configure this, select the FLAND, Countries droplist for the custom field in WorkZone Configurator.
- Define a text extraction method for all or selected file extensions.

New functionality:
- Configure Office Online Server to edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents in a browser.
- Edit Contact types.
WorkZone Process:
- Create and edit e-Boks materials.
- Create and edit Process dispatchers and their parameters.
- Create, edit, and configure Dispatch sequences.
- Create and edit Print types and their parameters.
- Configure general WorkZone Process settings.
User interface changes:
- The Draft versioning tab has been moved from Office to Documents. The reason for this is that the draft versioning functionality is, additionally to WorkZone 365, now also supported by WorkZone Client and WorkZone PDF.

New functionality:
- Export and import WorkZone configurations. A configuration includes a number of settings to be applied for WorkZone products. Now you can test any changes before applying them to real environments.
- New types for the custom fields – decimal and integer – are now available.
- Manage access code filters. If there is no need to show all access codes in Read access and Write access fields, you can display only organizational units or individual user access codes.
- Version format has been changed. Now it is unified among all WorkZone products.
- Search is no longer case-sensitive.
WorkZone Process:
- View, edit, and copy WorkZone Process processes, their parameters and labels.WorkZone Process allows you to manage WorkZone documents in a workflow and have your work process documented automatically.
- Configure service workflows and their parameters. A service workflow runs continuously in the environment and can start any kind of defined workflow.
WorkZone Explorer:
- Define whether the document's letter date must inherit the created date. You need the setting Use letter date as document creation date for this.

EU GDPR requirements
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the primary law on personal data protection in the EU. It unifies data protection, so that each EU member state no longer needs to write its own laws concerning data security. GDPR becomes effective on May 25, 2018. With this release, WorkZone introduces the following functionality to meet the GDPR requirements:
- Document classification aims to order and prioritize data based on its sensitivity. For example, some documents can be available to everybody, while other documents might contain information that cannot be shared with a wide audience. Starting with this release, document classification code is a required field for each document and it defines its sensitivity level. In WorkZone Configurator, you can add, edit, and delete classification codes. You can also define default classification codes on the case group level and globally for the entire organization.
- Reason for case deletion is a new mandatory requirement. You can add, edit, and delete pre-defined reasons for case deletion, so that users can select them from the drop-down list.
- Retention policies define time and conditions for when cases and documents can be deleted. For example, some cases must be retained for 10 years after closure, while some cases can be deleted at any time. All these rules are defined and automated in the retention policies. Each retention policy has a retention code associated with it, and this retention code can be assigned to a case or to a document. You can create, edit, and delete retention policies and define the default retention policy for the whole organization in WorkZone Configurator.
New functionality
- Add, edit, and delete case groups in the classification scheme of your organization. You can also define default values and default references for a particular case group.
- Add, edit, and delete facets. Facets are used as a complimentary method to classify cases in addition to the classification scheme WorkZone Client.
- Add, edit, or delete note types.
- Add, edit, or delete countries and postcodes. Countries and postcodes are used as the contacts' meta data.
- Add and edit supported file types for your organization. By defining supported file types for your organization, you ensure that only documents with the permitted file types exist in your WorkZone system. Therefore, other file types must be detected as erroneous.
- Define the default settings for WorkZone Explorer.
- Define the default settings for WorkZone PDF Crawler and WorkZone PDF Engine.
- Define the default path to a folder with Office templates. When WorkZone 365 users create a new document, they can easily access the proper template.
User interface changes
- Two sections have been moved to make navigation in WorkZone Configurator more intuitive:
- Case number format has been moved to Taxonomy
- Draft versioning has been moved to Office settings