What's new in WorkZone Configurator 2024.2

WorkZone feature settings searchable from the start page

You can search for WorkZone feature settings from the start page of WorkZone Configurator, to review, enable or disable relevant setting. See Start page.

Custom logo for WorkZone Client

You can add custom SVG icon that will be used as a logotype in WorkZone Client for your organization. See Custom logo for WorkZone Client.

Entity validation rules for WorkZone entities

New Entity validation rules tab is added under Client. Here you can add or update your custom validation rulesets for WorkZone entities to disable or restrict the possibility of updating an entity, until specific criteria are met. For example, you can disable the possibility to close cases with any non-archived documents, or to make it mandatory for all closed documents to have a letter date. See Entity validation rules.

Save emails without attachments

New Email attachments section is added for the Outlook configuration (365 page > Outlook configuration). Here you can enable the Save emails without attachments setting to allow users saving emails to WorkZone without any attachments. See Outlook configuration.

Show CPR relations when using CPR Lookup

New CPR Lookup settings page is added under Services. Here you can enable the Show related contacts option, if you want to see related contacts from the CPR register when adding new contacts or parties in WorkZone Client. When this option is disabled, results will only display a strict match of your search string. See CPR Lookup settings.

Disable grant update (license) feature setting (WorkZone, Corporate Edition)

To ensure compliance, the default functionality of WorkZone, Corporate Edition, does not allow users in one legal authority to change the access codes on cases and documents that have been created by users in another legal authority. However, some organizations require that it must be possible to change the access codes across legal authorities. With the new Disable grant update (license) feature setting in WorkZone Configurator, you can disable the default behavior. If the feature setting is enabled, users with read and write access can change the access codes on cases and documents that have been created by users in another legal authority.

See read and write access in Edit information on a case and Edit information on a document.

Obsolete OAuth settings on the Clients tab

The OAuth settings on the Global > Clients tab in WorkZone Configurator can only be used by KMD.

If you want to set up an integration to a third-party app, you must use Microsoft Entra authentication in connection with creating an app registration in Microsoft Azure Portal and configure the integration on the The Integrations tab in WorkZone Configurator.

See Set up third-party integrations in Azure.