Edit information on a contact
Add or remove contact references
You can add one or more contact references on a contact.
Add a contact reference
- Open the detail page of a contact for which you want to create a contact reference.
- From the detail tabs, open the Contact references tab.
- Click
Add. The Add contact references dialog box opens.
- Specify your search criteria in one or more ways:
- Enter value in the Free text field.
- Define the scope of your search under Search in.
- Click Advanced search and enter additional search criteria.
- If you enter multiple search criteria in the Country field, you can select the postcodes belonging to these countries. If you add multiple postcodes in the Postcode field, an Or search will be performed.
- Switching back from Advanced search to Simple Search will automatically delete any additional search criteria that you have inserted.
- Click Search. The search results are displayed in the left column.
- Double-click the contacts you want to add. The selected contacts are displayed in the right column. You can select a different role for the contact in the list Role, for example Chairman or Committee.
- Click Save. The added contacts will now be displayed on the list Contact references.
Remove a contact reference
- Open the detail page of a contact you want to edit.
- From the detail tabs, open the Contact references tab.
- Click the check box for the contact reference you want to remove.
- Click
Add contact references to and remove contact references from multiple contacts
You can add contact references to or remove contact references from multiple contacts at once.
- In the Navigation pane > Contacts pane on the Home tab, select a contacts list.
- In the contacts list, select all contacts you want to add contact references to or remove contact references from and click
Edit > Contact reference to open the Edit contact references form.
- In the Edit contact references form:
- In the Type field, select a type to filter the contacts to be added or removed.1
- In the Party role field, select a role to filter the contacts to be added or removed.1
- In the Party field, select the name or ID of the contact to be added or removed.
- In the Edit button:
- Select Add to add the contact reference to the contacts selected in the list.
- Select Remove to remove the contact reference to the contact selected in the list.
- In the Confirm form, click Yes to confirm the changes and close the form.
1 You do not need to filter the contacts by type or role, but filtering can help you select the contact to add or remove by reducing the list of contacts in the Party field.
Add or remove a party relation
You can add one or more of the relations to a party, that is, contacts related to that party. Then you can view all party relations and their roles from any party list.
Prerequisite: Before you add a contact as a party relation, you must add this contact as a contact reference.
Add a party relation
- On the detail page of a contact for which you want to add a relation, open the Contact references detail tab.
- Select the party for which you want to add a relation.
- Click
Add related parties. The Add party relation dialog box opens. The contact references of this party are displayed.
- Search for the related party you want to add in one of the following ways:
- Define the scope of your search under Party role.
- Specify the party ID in the ID field.
- Click Search. The search results are displayed in the left column.
- Double-click the contacts you want to add as relations to this party. The selected contacts are displayed in the right column. You can select a different party role for the added relation in the Role field.
- Click
Save. The added contacts will now be displayed on the Contact references list for the party selected in step 2.
- Repeat steps 3-7 until you have added all related parties.
Remove a party relation
You remove a party relation in the same way as you remove any other contact reference.
- On the detail page of a contact from which you want to remove a party relation, open the Contact references detail tab.
- Select one or more of the party relations you want to remove.
- Click
Remove to open the confirmation dialog.
- In the confirmation dialog, click OK.
Edit contact party role
- On the contact detail page, open the Contact references tab from the detail tabs.
- Select one or more parties for which you want to edit the role, and click Edit > Role
. The Edit role dialog box opens.
- Select a different party role in the Party role field.
- Click
Add or remove case references
You can add one or more case references.
Add a case reference to contact
- Open the detail page of a contact to which you want to add the case reference.
- From the detail tabs, open the Case references tab.
- Click
Add to open the Add case references form.
- In the Add case references form, specify your search criteria in one or more ways:
- Enter a value in the Free text field.
- Define the scope of your search under Search in.
- Click Advanced search and enter additional search criteria.
- Click Search.
- Double-click on the cases you want to add. The selected cases are displayed in the right column. You can select a different role for the contact in the list Role, for example Case party or Consultation party.
- Click
Switching back from Advanced search to Simple Search will automatically delete any additional search criteria that you have inserted.
Remove a case reference from contact
- Open the detail page of a contact from which you want to remove case references.
- From the detail tabs, open the Case references tab.
- Click the check box next to the case references you want to remove.
- Click
Remove .
Add, edit or remove delegates for a contact
Prerequisite: WorkZone Process must be installed in order to work with delegates.
You must be assigned the DELEGATEADM access code if you want to assign delegates for other users.
You can select other users or organizational units to be your delegates and act on process tasks on your behalf. You add, edit, and remove your delegates from the Delegates tab on your user profile page. You can also see the list of contacts who selected you to be their delegate on the Delegate for tab.
Tip: The Delegates and Delegate for tabs are not displayed by default and must be added manually. See Manage tabs
Delegates can have two type of roles: Normal or Administrator. The Normal role allows a delegate to work with process tasks on behalf of the user who assigned a delegate. The Administrator role allows a delegate to work with process tasks and to select other users to be delegates for the initial contact. Basically, you are assigning another user the rights to manage your delegates.

If User 1 is a delegate for User 2 with the Normal role, User 1 can work with process tasks on behalf of User 2. If User 2 is a delegate for User 3 with the Administrator role, the User 2 can work with process tasks on behalf of User 3 and also select User 4 and User 5 to be delegates for User 3 and act on behalf of User 3.
Delegating tasks to other users
You can freely select one or more delegates to act on process tasks on your behalf but you must be assigned the Administrator role to select delegates for other users, for example if you want to select a delegate for a colleague who is on leave. Additionally, if you are assigned the Administrator role for a unit, you can manage delegates of that unit.
Assigning delegates for other users
If you want to select delegates for other users, you must be assigned the DELEGATEADM access code, for example assigning delegates for users that are on sick leave or on vacation.
If you are not assigned the DELEGATEADM access code you can only assign delegates for yourself.
Using organizational units
If you want to select organizational units as delegates on behalf of other users or units, you must be assigned the AFDADM access code. For example, you can select an employee to act on process tasks on behalf of an entire organizational unit.
Add a contact as delegate
- Open the detail page of a contact for which you want to add a delegate. You must be assigned the Administrator role code to add delegates for other users.
- From the detail tabs, open the Delegates tab.
- Click
Add . The Add delegates dialog box opens.
- Search for the party you want to add as a delegate in one of the following ways:
- Enter value in the Free text field.
- Define the scope of your search under type.
- Specify the party ID in the ID field.
- Click Search. The search results are displayed in the left column.
- Double-click the contacts you want to add. The selected contacts are displayed in the right column.
- Select a role for the delegate.
- Click
If you add a delegate for yourself, click your user name in the bottom right corner of WorkZone Client to open your contact detail page.
Edit role for a delegate
- On the contact detail page, open the Delegates detail tab. The list of delegates is displayed.
- Select one or more delegates for which you want to edit the role, and click Edit > Delegate
. The Edit delegate role dialog box opens.
- Select a different role in the Role field.
- Click
Remove a delegate
- On the contact detail page, open the Delegates detail tab. The list of delegates for this contact is displayed.
- Select one or more delegates that you want to remove.
- Click
Remove. The confirmation dialog box is displayed.
- Click OK.
View who a contact is a delegate for
On a contact detail page, you can also view who this contact is a delegate for.
- On the contact detail page, open the Delegate for detail tab. The list of contacts for which this contact is a delegate is displayed.
Add or remove keywords
Keywords can be used, for example, for classification and retrieval of contacts.
- Open the detail page of a contact.
- Do one of the following:
- To add a keyword: enter a keyword in the Keywords field.
- To remove a keyword: delete a keyword in the Keywords field.
- Click
Save .
- If your organization uses a dictionary, you can only select keywords from this dictionary. If you enter words that are not in the dictionary, you get an error message when you try to save.
- If your organization does not use a dictionary, you can create your own keywords.
Add, edit, suggest or remove address
You can add, edit, or remove addresses for an active (that is, not closed) contact.
Add an address
- Open a contact detail page to add an address.
- From the detail tabs, open the Addresses tab.
- Click
Add . The Add address dialog box is displayed.
- Enter the address.
- Click
Edit an address
- Open a contact detail page to edit an address.
- From the detail tabs, click the Addresses tab.
- Double-click the address that you want to edit. The Edit address dialog box is displayed.
- Make your changes, and click
Remove an address
- You cannot delete the main address of a contact.
- You cannot delete an address if it is used by another reference.
- Open a contact detail page to remove an address.
- From the detail tabs, click the Addresses tab.
- Select the address that you want to remove.
- Click
Remove . The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
- Click Yes.
Default addresses
Set the default address for a contact
If you have more than one address for a contact, you can set the default address for this contact.
- Open a contact detail page .
- From the detail tabs, click the Addresses tab.
- Select an address and click
Set as default address to make it the default address for this contact.
If a default address is closed, that is if the address has a date in the Address end date field that has been passed, a new default address will automatically be selected from the available addresses on the contact.
The behavior of the automatic address selection will depend on how it is configured in WorkZone Configurator. System administrators can assign a rank to each address type. If an address type has been assigned a rank in WorkZone Configurator, WorkZone will automatically make the next address of that address type the new default address, if the current default address is closed and there are no other address types with a higher rank. See Configure the behavior for selection of default addresses.
Suggest address
When adding or editing a contact address in WorkZone Client, you can review and verify it in the interactive map, and have additional details for that address (for example, Address 2, postcode, or country) automatically filled from WorkZone database.
- The Address service setting must first be enabled in WorkZone Configurator (under Global > Feature settings > Client > Address service. This setting is enabled by default).
- You must have Azure Maps settings configured by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator (under Services > Azure Maps settings). See Set up Azure Maps settings for more information.
- You must have Azure Maps account created and configured for your organization. See Manage your Azure Maps account article from for more information.
- For address validation to work properly, the postcode of that address must be added by an administrator to relevant country in WorkZone Configurator. See Countries and postcodes for more information.
- Open a contact detail page.
- In the Address 1 field, click
- Under the Address query, start typing an address. Matching results will appear as auto-suggestions.
- Select an address to see it on the interactive map.
- Review and verify the selected address on the map (or manually pick another address on the map, if needed).
- Click Apply to confirm the selected address. Additional address details (for example, postcode and country) will be automatically added to other address fields from WorkZone database.
Add, edit, or remove information
The information you can add to a contact is determined by your organization.
An information item consists of two parts:
- An Information type – the name or type of information, for example Error.
- An Information field that can be used, for example, to register the specific type of error.
The Information field may contain a list of predefined values or a field for free entry of text.
Add information
- Open a contact detail page to add information.
- From the detail tabs, click the Information tab.
- Click
Add . The Add information dialog box is displayed.
- Select the Information type and fill in the Information field.
- Click
Edit information
- Open a contact detail page to edit information.
- From the detail tabs, click the Information tab.
- Double-click the information item that you want to edit. The Edit information dialog box is displayed.
- Make your changes and click
Remove information
- Open a contact detail page to remove information.
- From the detail tabs, click the Information tab.
- Select the information items that you want to remove.
- Click
Remove . The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
- Click Yes.
Add and remove information to multiple contacts
You can add or remove information types and values to multiple contacts at once by selecting the contacts in the Navigation pane and clicking the Edit > Information to select which information type and value you want to add or remove.
See Edit multiple items in a list for more information.
Add, edit or remove dates
The dates you can add to a contact are determined by your organization.
A date item consists of two parts:
- A Date type - the name or type of the date, for example when an error has occurred.
- A Date field.
Add date
- Open the detail page of a contact to which you want to add a date.
- From the detail tabs, open the Dates tab.
- Click
Add . The Add date dialog box is displayed.
- Select the Date type and fill in the Date field.
- Click
Edit date
- Open the detail page of a contact on which you want to edit a date.
- From the detail tabs, open the Dates tab.
- Double-click the date that you want to edit. The Edit date dialog box is displayed.
- Make your changes and click Save.
Remove date
- Open the detail page of a contact from which you want to remove a date.
- From the detail tabs, open the Dates tab.
- Select the dates that you want to remove.
- Click
Remove to open the Confirm dialog.
- In the Confirm dialog, click Yes.
Add and remove date types to multiple contacts
You can add or remove date types and values to multiple contacts at once by selecting the contacts in the Navigation pane and clicking the Edit > Date to select which date type and value you want to add or remove.
See Edit multiple items in a list for more information.
Assign or remove read access to a contact
You can assign or remove read access codes to a contact for employees and groups. Multiple access codes can be assigned to the contact if necessary.
Default contact access codes
Default read access codes for contacts can be defined for each contact type in WorkZone Configurator > Contact > Contact types. During contact creation in WorkZone Client, the Read access field in the contact detail page will initially be populated with the defined default read access codes.
The default access codes can be changed during contact creation or later if the user is assigned sufficient permissions. Any read or write access codes specifically defined in the configuration of the contact type detail page will be applied instead of the default contact access codes.
Note: Clearing the access code fields during contact creation will result in the default access code defined in WorkZone Configurator being applied to the contact again when the contact is saved. After the contact has been created, the access code fields can be cleared and the contact can be saved without the default access code values being applied.
For WorkZone Content Server, Standard edition

- On the Contact detail page, click the
icon in the Read access field to open the Edit read access form.
- In the Edit read access form > Search in field, select the filter to apply to the access codes:
- All access codes: All access codes are available.
- Term access codes: Only Term access codes are available.
- Organizational access codes: Only Organizational access codes are available.
- In the Access code field, enter the name of the access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the contact.
Click the Access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the contact. - Click the Apply button to assign the selected access codes to the contact.

- On the Contact detail page, click the
icon in the Read access field to open the Edit read access form.
- In the Edit read access form, click the X next to the employee or group you want to remove read access from.
- Click the Apply button to apply your changes to the contact.
For WorkZone Content Server, Corporate edition

- On the Contact detail page, click the
icon in the Read access field to open the Edit read access form.
- In the Edit read access form, click the Create new access code button to display the Term access code and Organizational access code mandatory fields.
- In the Term access code field, enter the name of the Term access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the contact.
Click the Term access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the contact. - In the Organizational access code field, enter the name of the access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the contact.
Click the Organizational access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the contact. - Repeat steps 2 to 4 to create a new access code group to assign to the contact if required.
- Click the Apply button to assign the selected access codes to the contact.

- On the Contact detail page, click the
icon in the Read access field to open the Edit read access form.
- In the Edit read access form > Access code field, click the X next to the value in the Term access code or Organization access code fields to remove the access code.
You can also remove an entire access code group by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of the access code group. - Click the Apply button to apply your changes to the contact.
Assign or remove write access to a contact
You can assign or remove write access codes to a contact for employees and groups. Multiple access codes can be assigned to the contact if necessary.
Default contact write access codes
Default write access codes for contacts can be defined for each contact type in WorkZone Configurator > Contact > Contact types. During contact creation in WorkZone Client, the Write access field in the contact detail page will initially be populated with the defined default access codes.
The default access write codes can be changed during contact creation or later if the user is assigned sufficient permissions. Any read or write access codes specifically defined in the configuration of the contact type detail page will be applied instead of the default contact access codes.
Important: You must always have write access to the cases, documents, or contacts that you define write access for.
Note: Clearing the access code fields during contact creation will result in the default access code defined in WorkZone Configurator being applied to the contact again when the contact is saved. After the contact has been created, the access code fields can be cleared and the contact can be saved without the default access code values being applied.
For WorkZone Content Server, Standard edition

- On the Contact detail page, click the
icon in the Write access field to open the Edit write access form.
- In the Edit write access form > Search in field, select the filter to apply to the access codes:
- All access codes: All access codes are available.
- Term access codes: Only Term access codes are available.
- Organizational access codes: Only Organizational access codes are available.
- In the Access code field, enter the name of the access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the contact.
Click the Access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the contact. - Click the Apply button to assign the selected access codes to the contact.

- On the Contact detail page, click the
icon in the Write access field to open the Edit write access form.
- In the Edit write access form, click the X next to the employee or group you want to remove read access from.
- Click the Apply button to apply your changes to the contact.
For WorkZone Content Server, Corporate edition

- On the Contact detail page, click the
icon in the Write access field to open the Edit write access form.
- In the Edit write access form, click the Create new write code button to display the Term access code and Organizational access code mandatory fields.
- In the Term access code field, enter the name of the Term access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the contact.
Click the Term access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the contact. - In the Organizational access code field, enter the name of the access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the contact.
Click the Organizational access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the contact. - Repeat steps 2 to 4 to create a new access code group to assign to the contact if required.
- Click the Apply button to assign the selected access codes to the contact.

- On the Contact detail page, click the
icon in the Write access field to open the Edit write access form.
- In the Edit write access form > Access code field, click the X next to the value in the Term access code or Organization access code fields to remove the access code.
You can also remove an entire access code group by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of the access code group. - Click the Apply button to apply your changes to the contact.
See Access codes for more information