Manage hard copies of a document
With the Hard copy management feature, you can register and keep track of hard copies of a given document.
In a WorkZone context, a hard copy means an original, physical copy of a document that is registered in WorkZone. A copy of an original hard copy is referred to as a duplicate. A WorkZone document can exist in several physical hard copies, which in turn can have one or more duplicates each.
Hard copy management can, for example, be relevant for documents that are classified as confidential, internal, or contain sensitive information. However, you can manage hard copies for any document type that is saved in WorkZone, regardless of the document's classification and state.
About the Hard copies pane
All steps and processes that are part of a hard copy management flow are performed from the Hard copies pane.
Here you can see a list of all the existing hard copies of the document with their duplicates (if any), and you can add, distribute, accept, redistribute, archive and destroy hard copies and duplicates.
To open the Hard copies pane, click Hard copy management in the main ribbon on a document page.
Create and distribute a hard copy
When you add a hard copy or a duplicate to a document, you register the existence of a physical version of that document. When you create a hard copy or a duplicate, you must also distribute it to a user with read access to that document. In this way, you register who is in possession of the hard copy or duplicate.
In the Hard copies pane, click Add hard copy.
In the Add hard copy dialog, fill in the fields:
Hard copy number: Enter a hard copy number. The number must be a unique value and between 1 and 10 characters long.
Distributed to: Select a user. When you distribute a hard copy to a user, you register the hard copy as being placed with that user. The user can either accept, and thereby confirm that they have received the hard copy, or reject the distribution if they do not have it and forward the distribution to another user who can then accept or reject the distribution.
Comment: Optionally, add a comment.
Click Save to save and close the dialog, or click Add hard copy to add another hard copy in the same dialog, where you can repeat the same steps as above.
Create a duplicate of a hard copy
next to a hard copy in the pane and click Add duplicate.
In the Add duplicate dialog:
Select a recipient
Note: The duplicate number is a sequentially generated number with the format x/y, where x represents the number of the current duplicate, and y represents the total number of duplicates for the hard copy at the time that the duplicate was created. If a duplicate is created for a hard copy later on, the duplicate numbers of the existing duplicates will not change. -
Optionally, write a comment.
Click Save to add this duplicate to the hard copy, or click Add duplicate to add another duplicate.
Accept or reject a hard copy or a duplicate
You can accept or reject hard copies that are distributed to you, or on behalf of other users if you have the HARDCOPYADM access code.
On a hard copy that is distributed to you, click , and:
Click Accept to confirm that you have received the hard copy. The state of the hard copy changes to Received.
- Or -
Click Reject to open the Reject and forward dialog. Select a new recipient to forward the hard copy to, and optionally write a comment. Click Reject and forward to distribute the hard copy to the selected user. The hard copy keeps the Distributed state, but the Other info field will now display the name of the user that you forwarded the hard copy to.
Archive a hard copy or a duplicate
Hard copies and duplicates in the Received state can be archived by the user that they are distributed to, or a user with the HARDCOPYADM access code. When you click Archive, you register that the hard copy or duplicate has been physically archived and the organizational unit that stores it.
> Archive.
In the Archive dialog, select a unit in the In archive field to indicate where the hard copy is archived.
Click Archive.
The state of the hard copy will change to Archived, and the Other information field for the hard copy will display the unit that you selected in the In archive field.
Destroy a hard copy or a duplicate
Hard copies or duplicates that have the Received or Archived state can be destroyed. When you click Destroy for a hard copy, you register that the given physical hard copy or its duplicate has been physically destroyed, for example by shredding.
> Destroy.
In the Destroy dialog, add a description in the Certificate of destruction field.
Click Destroy.
The state of the hard copy will change to Destroyed, and the Other information field will display the description entered in Certificate of destruction field.
Cancel the destruction of a hard copy or a duplicate
In some cases, a hard copy or a duplicate may be erroneously registered as Destroyed. In these cases it is necessary to revert the state of the hard copy or duplicate to its previous state.
> Cancel.
In the Cancel destruction dialog, you can, optionally, add a comment in the Certificate of destruction field.
Click Cancel destruction. The hard copy or duplicate will no longer be registered as destroyed. The state of the hard copy or duplicate changes back to the value that it showed before Destroyed.
The Hard copies and their duplicates tab
The Hard copies and their duplicates tab provides an overview of all hard copies and duplicates that are registered for a given document. You must add it the Hard copies and their duplicates tab to the document page manually. See Manage tabs.
On this tab, you can see details about the current status of each hard copy or duplicate, such as when and by whom they were received, archived, or destroyed.