What's new in WorkZone Client

WorkZone Client 2022.2


Address Type field no longer mandatory

The contacts structure in WorkZone also can be used to register resources that do not have addresses (for example drones, cars, or heavy equipment), and since each contact detail page can be customized by contact type, the mandatory Address type field prevented the removal of address fields for contacts types that did not have addresses. This is because mandatory WorkZone fields can not be removed when customizing a details page.

In order to support this application of WorkZone contacts, the Address type field is no longer mandatory. Default values can still be defined for the Address type field.

Assign delegates for other users

A user assigned the new DELEGATEADM access code can now assign delegates for other users. This reinstates functionality that had been removed from WorkZone2018.1.

Previously, users could only assign delegates for themselves and not for other users. Users that are not assigned the DELEGATEADM access code can still only assign delegates for themselves.



Save or Cancel buttons introduced in the Advanced PDF pane

The Advanced PDF editing feature no longer automatically saves the PDF document currently being edited.

Previously, the PDF document currently being edited was automatically saved every 10 seconds. Now, Save and Cancel buttons have been introduced to the Advanced PDF menu instead of automatically saving the document. The buttons allow the user to make changes to the PDF document and actively decide whether to save the changes or to cancel all changes.

The Save button already existing in some Advanced PDF pane menus while the Cancel button is a new addition.

Adding and editing bookmarks in Advanced PDF pane removed

The editing of existing bookmarks and the creation of new bookmarks on a PDF document from the Advanced PDF pane features has been removed as the 3rd party application used to edit and add bookmarks was not sufficiently stable.

Users can still view and use bookmarks generated when the PDF document was created but cannot edit or add to these bookmarks.


Fuzzy searches on free text searches

A new search operator has been introduced to free text searches in WorkZone Client: Fuzzy searches.

Fuzzy searches utilize Oracle Fuzzy Matching to search for similarly spelled words that only diverge marginally from the searched terms. The level of sensitivity to divergence can be defined in your Oracle database to enable more or less results.

Example: The search criteria "+petersen" will find contact names similar to "petersen" such as peddersen, pedersen, and petersen.

The default parameters of Oracle's Fuzzy Matching (similarity score lower limit and maximum number of expanded terms) can be changed in your Oracle database to increase or decrease the number of search results. This change must be made at index time.