Field mapping in Interact forms to WorkZone data

You can map Interact form fields to WorkZone fields in two different ways:

The table below describes the main differences between the two mapping methods.

Mapping using the OData service Mapping using the WZ_ODATA page

It is only possible to do a one-to-one mapping between the Interact field and the WorkZone field. This means that only one case, one document, and one contact can be transferred from the Interact form to WorkZone.

It is possible to map multiple contacts to the same case and create multiple cases per submission. States and other values that have been set for documents will apply to all documents that are transferred.

Because of the closely connected integration where mapping fields are loaded in to Interact, it is required that Interact has access to WorkZone. It requires that you create a system user who can read OData and that the network where the Interact application is open has access to WorkZone. Mapping of fields cannot take place outside the network where WorkZone is installed.

There is no need for access to the WorkZone end point, and no need for mapping inside the organization's network. It is not necessary to have a system user because Interact system administrators can access WorkZone with their own access rights and write the field name in the form.

When the system user fetches available fields in WorkZone, it is based on a snapshot of the fields that are available at this exact time in WorkZone. It is not based on real-time updates. This means that if a new field is created in WorkZone and Interact must transfer data to it, you must delete the mapping and re-submit it.

Fetching of fields from WorkZone is not needed. If a new field is created in WorkZone, you only need to define it on the WZ_ODATA page, then it will be included in the XML file that WorkZone reads from.

The mapping in Interact is based on an "assignment" method in Interact, which means that you can choose what should happen when a user submits a form. It is not possible to export the delivery methods be exported and import them into an Interact application. For example, if you want to work in a test environment and verify that the data transfer is correct, then you must redo the configuration manually in the production environment.

There is no need for exporting delivery methods from one Interact environment to another. The mapping will be a configuration in the form with built-in business logic that can can be transferred between Interact environments. However, you may need to configure minor settings in the Interact form.