Frigivne hotfixes for WorkZone 2024.0
Hotfixbeskrivelserne er kun på engelsk.
Du kan finde en oversigt over fejlrettelser i den oprindelige release af denne version af WorkZone i Fejlrettelser.
For versionsoversigten for 2024.0, se Se også.
WorkZone Client

249354: Users with global access cannot update permissions for authority-protected documents and cases
Users with global access (* access code) cannot change the access code (both read and write) for cases and documents, if their "License" property belongs to a different authority than that user's authority.
Corrected: Users with global access (* access code) can change access codes on both cases and documents, even if their license belongs to an authority different from user's own.

251209: Adding Case Icon condition with FileClass_Value breaks editing of AGM items

252340: 'IsInheritable' flag is missing in WorkZone Client configuration
After creating a WorkZone Client configuration with inheritance to subunits, the 'IsInheritable' setting is not included into the exported .json configuration file.
252341: Cannot find unit configuration with inheritance when exporting a WorkZone Client configuration
When exporting WorkZone Client configurations, there is no indication of inheritance in the configuration names, meaning that you cannot tell apart the configurations with and without inheritance.
246964: Flagging/Unflagging resulting in an error
Flagging/unflagging items randomly fails with the message "An error occurred while flagging/unflagging this item. Please contact your system administrator to resolve the issue".
252636: Flagging not working when items are not part of user's MRU
Flagging functionality does not work if flagged items are not part of the user's most recently used (MRU) items.

256646: Users without AFDADM and MEDARBADM access can edit the Employee and Unit's read and write access
Users without the AFDADM and MEDARBADM access can still edit the employee and unit's read and write access from the Parties tab, if they select multiple contacts of different type (for example, Employee, Unit, Company With CVR, Municipality, and Company (with out CVR)).
256587: Unjustified read access on employees
CS0007022, INC0012380
Users without the MEDARBADM access can apply read access to employees, if they edit multiple contacts at the same time.

263399: Dashboard widgets rendering wrong data on the request errors
CS0040408, INC0017570
Dashboard widgets in WorkZone Client were showing wrong data, if the request was, for example, timed out.
Corrected: Now the dashboard widgets will omit showing data in such situations.
263398: Drag and drop changes the document title
CS0042909, INC0017882
In some situations, using drag and drop from a OneDrive folder to WorkZone Client document list resulted in incorrect document names. This could happen, if one of the files was a Microsoft Office (Word, Excel or Power Point) document and it was already open in an Office app.
WorkZone Configurator

255360: Cannot edit long country names
INC0012393, CS0007037
In the Countries and postcodes in Configurator, you cannot edit long (over 32 symbols) country names.

This release enables configuration options for contact creation in Outlook and whitelist of Microsoft Exchange services for WorkZone 365.
New Contact creation settings for Outlook
New Contact creation section is added to the Outlook configuration page:
- Enable automatic creation of new contacts for unknown email addresses: When this option is enabled, email contacts not found in WorkZone will be automatically suggested as New parties. Users can click Add party to save that email as a new contact. When this option is disabled, users will have to create new contacts manually.
- Suggest creation of new contacts for senders, recipients and Cc recipients, that do not exist in WorkZone yet: When this option is enabled, senders, recipients, and Cc recipients that do not exist in WorkZone will be automatically preselected as parties with corresponding roles.
Add Exchange Server URL for WorkZone 365
A new External services page has been added under Services. Here you can add the Microsoft Exchange Server URLs allowed to be called from the WorkZone 365 server. This is required, if your organization wants to use WorkZone 365 with shared mailboxes on the Exchange Server 2019.
See External services.
WorkZone Content Server

246170 Error in CPR integration
Some actions were executed twice.
246172: In Oracle, job_queue_processes must be greater or equal to 15
246173: The job that sets the current address for a file party does not set the primary party's address
ScanSQL issues
The following ScanSQL bugs have been fixed:
245697: It is not possible to view settings for the individual freetext indexes in ScanSQL.
246188: ScanSQL crashes when clicking Preferences in Text indexes.
246189: ScanSQL crashes when clicking Object problems.
246190: ScanSQL crashed when cancelling Get file by doc_id.
246637: ScanSQL error, job setting the current address, Wait longer for synonym's job to start.

248097: Hard deletion of documents uses a wrong datetime stamp when stamping Updated/UpdateTime on the file
248156: Database - sjpk_sja_pkb update_time, updated and update_user are not set on SJ_STD cases
The AD replicator did not set update time om standard cases.
246391: SOM orderby CustomProperty_Summary uses inner join
Search results can be wrong when ordering by _Summary part of a custom property when it is of the type droplist.
248638/CS0001799: Address updates lack end dates
When updating more than one address from the CPR register at the same time, there were cases where an end date was not set.

251881: Incorrect update of default addresses
If either the Change case party address on open cases to the contact's default address feature setting or the Change case party address on open cases to the contact's default address if the previous address is inactive feature setting is enabled in WorkZone Configurator, the change of address on case parties and on the primary party on cases did not work as intended. Furthermore, the changes were not logged and shown on the Life cycle and the Contact reference history tabs on the case detail page.
See also:

253330: Select Custom Properties as collections
The feature "OData > Select Custom Properties as collections" that was introduced in WorkZone 2024.2 is now available in WorkZone 2024.0.
INC0010502/ INC0010674: CPR Batch does not update existing citizen
The primary party (citizen) on a case was not updated correctly with the citizen’s address.
252700/I252700/NC0010497: Documents in hierarchy tab did not work
An error occurred when opening the Documents in hierarchy tab in WorkZone Client, when there were circular references between documents.
252673/CS0001983: Inconsistency in the File/UserKey field
When searching in the FileContacts entity in WorkZone QueryBuilder, the query result returned inconsistent File/UserKey values.
253325: CPR Batch required a specific entry in the source_record field but CPR Online does not support it
If a CPR number existed in the name field but not in source_record field, then CPR Batch required a special entry in the source_record field but CPR Online did not support it.
CPR Integration, CPR Online and CPR Batch
Contacts who are created with the name type C without using WorkZone CPR Online can now be updated both via CPR Online and via CPR Batch. However, if you use CPR Batch, it requires that the contact is subscribed to CPR in a different way than through WorkZone CPR Online.
Before this hotfix, you had to create a specific entry in the source_record (save_type = ’X’) for this to work, and then it only worked for CPR Batch, not for WorkZone CPR Online.
If you have created specific entries in source_record (save_type = ’X’), you must remove them.
A new parameter is now available in CPR Batch:
The name is only imported if the name is already registered in WorkZone's name register name type C.

255796/INC0012721 - New CPR contacts created via OData were not automatically set for subscription
CPR Batch was not able to import contacts with the name type 'C' in the contact register that were not imported from CPR-Online. This meant that CPR contacts that were created manually or by other means than CPR-Online were not imported via CPR Batch.
This hotfix introduces two new parameters for CPR Batch: /newcpr and /newCprBatch.
The newcpr parameter has three settings:
I - If the parameter is set to 'I', CPR Batch will import CPR contacts of name type 'C' that were not created via the CPR-Online integration.
S - If the parameter is set to 'S', CPR contacts in name type 'C' that were not created via the CPR-Online integration, will be subscribed to CPR Batch.
N - If the parameter is set to 'N', CPR Batch will not process CPR contacts that were not created via the CPR-Online integration. This is the default setting and will also be used if the parameter is not specified.
You can use the newCprBatch=n parameter to specify how many CPR contacts are to be imported or subscribed at a time. The 'n' component in the parameter denotes a number of contacts, that you can specify yourself. If 'n' is set to '0' ( newCprBatch=0), all new CPR contacts will be imported or subscribed (depending on whether newcpr is set I or S). '0' is the default setting and will also be used if the parameter is not specified.
255746/CS0008891: Issue found in a desupported WorkZone version where FileAndRecordReminder when searched through QB can show document and case titles
It was found that sensitive information could be exposed in three different audit tables through WorkZone QueryBuilder, even though you don't have access rights. This was because the access code was not inherited by the FileAndRecordReminder table.
This has been corrected. The contents are now only exposed to users that have the universal (*) access code.
257716/INC0012878 - The ext_key and label in source_record could not be exposed in OData
The OData property SourceRecord.ExtKey used by certain customer integrations was completely removed in Hotfix 4 as to not expose it’s content.
The property has been re-added, but it only accepts contents for inserts and updates and filter criteria – it will NOT expose any data – the contents will look blank.
257400 - sjRegSag - Changing primary party was not possible if the old party had a write access code that the user didn't have
The logic in sjRegSag is now changed to allow removal of (primary)parties regardless of the contact's update code.

260038/INC0010102 - The Updated field on cases and records displayed incorrect dates.
This issue has been corrected in this hotfix.
260040/INC0010867 - PRD CPR subscription error
If a Guardian was previously created as a contact without a CPR-number, and then associated with a CPR-number later on, WorkZone would return the error message "Reference unnamed not unique." <Field name="name_type">P</Field><Field name="name1">xxxxxxxx</Field>.
This issue has been corrected by ensuring that the correct name field is validated.
260041/INC0010771 - Personal data were visible in QueryBuilder
A specific QueryBuilder search would display a column that could contain personal data of case parties, such as CPR-numbers and full names.
The column in question is no longer selectable in QueryBuilder.
260042 - If SourceImport failed during renaming, post.sql was not performed
In some cases, when Sourceimport failed, the post processing was not be execited, which could lead to the assignment of incorrect access codes.
This issue has been corrected in this hotfix.
261766 - Unpopulated freetext indexes were not supported on Oracle 21C
It was not possible to populate an unpopulated freetext index on Oracle 21C.
This issue has been corrected in this hotfix.
260072/INC0010102 - The updated and update_time fields were not set on SJ-STD cases when created or updated by the AD-replicator
When an SJ-STD case was created or updated by the AD-replicator, the fields Updated and Updated time were not updated.
This is issue has been corrected in this hotfix.
161388/CS0021075 - Default KMD data was present in Export Excel templates
When exporting Odata to an excel file, the workbook contained a footer that is specific to KMD and not relevant to customers.
This default footer has now been removed from the excel templates.
260113 - Database - Sjp_gv_sql_monitor package
A utility for operations technicians to extract execution plan for sql that has been executed.

CS0039121/INC0017438/263192 - Changes to the country name list were overwritten on database update
When upgrading the database, such as installing hotfix packages, the local list of country names would be overwritten with the KMD standard country names list. This was a problem to customers who edited their country name list via WorkZone Configurator and had processes that relied on these changes.
Correction: The local country names list will no longer be overwritten when you perform database upgrades.
CS0038274/INC0017823/263555 - Unedited documents were logged as changed
When you opened a document from a case in WorkZone Client and closed the document again without saving any changes to the document, WorkZone Client would still register the action as an update in the Life cycle tab of the given document in WorkZone Client.
Correction: Opening a document from WorkZone and closing it again without saving changes to it is no longer registered as an update in the Life cycle tab of the given document.
CS0009180/INC0012721/263498 - Contacts that were created via Odata were not automatically subscribed to CPRBatch
CPR contacts that were created via Odata were not automatically subscribed to CPR.
Correction: This issue has been fixed. When working with CPRBatch, you must use the /newcpr parameter that was introduced in Hotfix 5.

266294 AgentFix errors
This bug fix addresses two errors in the freetext agent (AgentFix):
An error in AgentFix caused a memory leak when generating free text from text based documents.
AgentFix erroneously logged #Document entries in the UseLog.
266281 - Lost and found could caused locks in the database
This hotfix also solves an issue where the Lost and found job could lock the database for editing.
WorkZone Explorer
Der er ingen hotfix til denne version.
WorkZone Mobile

The purpose of this hotfix is to update the PDFTron licencing key in the mobile app.

Fixed issues with the rank re-order functionality for tasks.
WorkZone 365

This release enables contact creation and other improvements for saving Outlook emails, support for shared mailboxes with Microsoft Exchange Server 2019, and improvements for merging to Word documents.
Improvements for working with emails
Create WorkZone parties for unknown email addresses
Your administrator can enable in WorkZone Configurator automatic contact creation and contact suggestion for email addresses that are not WorkZone contacts yet. If these options are enabled, you can quickly create new WorkZone contacts (parties) when saving emails.
This functionality requires that you also install the WorkZone Configurator Hotfix 02.
- If Enable automatic creation of new contacts for unknown email addresses option is enabled, you can automatically create new WorkZone contacts for unknown email addresses. When this option is disabled, you will have to create new contacts manually.
- If Suggest creation of new contacts for senders, recipients and Cc recipients, that do not exist in WorkZone yet option is enabled, senders, recipients, and Cc recipients will be preselected for contact creation, if their email addresses do not exist in WorkZone.
See Manage email parties and Create a new contact.
Saving multiple emails
You can save multiple emails to WorkZone at once. See Save multiple emails.
- You can categorize multiple saved emails as saved to WorkZone (supported only with Microsoft Exchange Server Online).
- When saving multiple emails, you can track your progress via a progress bar. It will also show the status of each item.
- Contact resolution: If there is more than one contact registered with the same email address in the WorkZone database, you will need to select which contact to save as a party on the selected email to proceed with saving the email. To do this, click the Parties tab, select which contact to save, and click Resolve.
- Email parties from the saved emails are now saved as document parties on the newly created WorkZone documents. See Save multiple emails.
- When saving multiple emails, you can save their attachments as individual WorkZone documents. You can choose to either save the attachments as main documents on a case or as supplementary documents to the email. See Save multiple emails, step 4.
- If you have the CONFIGADM access rights, you can configure the fields in the Create new case dialog for multiple saved emails. See Configure the new case fields.
Save emails without attachments
Your organization can decide whether to include attachments into the email message (email body) file that you save to WorkZone. This is configured by your WorkZone administrator in WorkZone Configurator under 365 > Outlook configuration > Email attachments > Save emails without attachments.
This functionality requires that you also install the WorkZone PDF Hotfix 08.
- When Save emails without attachments setting is enabled: The email message will be saved to WorkZone without any attached files (embedded elements, such as logos, graphical signatures and so on, will not be removed). When saving the email message, you can select to save its attachments as separate supplementary documents or main documents on the same case.
- Digitally signed emails will be saved without the digital signature.
- Encrypted emails will be saved as a single file, including the attachments. Additionally, you can save the attachments as separate supplementary documents or main documents on the same case.
- When Save emails without attachments setting is disabled: The email message will be saved to WorkZone together with all its attachments merged into a single file. Additionally, when saving the email message, you can select to save the attachments as separate supplementary documents or main documents on the same case.
See Save an email and its attachments as individual documents in WorkZone.
WorkZone 365 for shared mailboxes
WorkZone functionality is now supported for shared mailboxes.
For shared mailboxes, WorkZone functionality is only supported on Microsoft 365 with Exchange Server Online and Exchange Server 2019 (it is not supported on Microsoft Office 2019 or Microsoft Office 2021). WorkZone email categories for shared mailboxes are not supported yet.
Improvements for merging to Word documents
- When you click Merge, values from the inserted merge fields will automatically merge to the same document. Previously, a new document with the values from the inserted merge fields was opened.
- Two new buttons, Save and Merge and Merge as Copy are now available for merging actions:
- Save and Merge (only displayed for non-WorkZone documents): Merge the inserted merge fields and save current document to WorkZone. See Merge information to a non-WorkZone document.
- Merge as Copy (only displayed for WorkZone documents): Merge the inserted merge fields and save a copy of the current document as a new WorkZone document. See Merge information and save a copy of an existing WorkZone document.
- You can edit of the auto-filled fields manually, if needed.
- If you edit any fields manually, these fields will not be overwritten with the auto-filled values.
- For case documents created from Word, Excel og PowerPoint, the Case handler and Organizational unit values will not be inherited from the selected case. Instead, the Case handler will be the current user, and the Organizational unit will be the current user's unit.
- You can edit any of the auto-filled fields manually, if needed.
- If you edit any fields manually, these fields will not be overwritten with the auto-filled values.
Improved flow for Word documents
After you save a Word document to WorkZone, or merge WorkZone content control fields to a Word document, your WorkZone version of this document will automatically open and the initial (non-WorkZone) Word document will close. Previously, both your initial Word document and its WorkZone version remained open, so you needed to close the non-WorkZone document and switch to its WorkZone version to continue working.
See Add a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document to WorkZone and Merge information to a document not saved to WorkZone.
Create new cases from Word, Excel og PowerPoint
You can now create new cases from Word, Excel og PowerPoint, and then save your document on them. See Save document on a new case.
Configuration improvements
Most recently used documents shown in the Document search pane
In the Document search pane, a list of your most recently used documents is shown, so you can quickly select the needed items and attach to an email as files, links or PDF documents. For more advanced searching, click to open the Document search pane in a larger view, and enter your search criteria.
Manage access restrictions for cases and documents
When working with WorkZone cases and documents from Outlook, Word, Excel og PowerPoint, you can view and edit access restrictions (that it, read and write access codes) that apply to these cases or documents. See Manage access restrictions for cases and documents.
Auto-filled values from the case group for new cases
When you create a new case and select a Case group, fields that were defined for this case group by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator (under Taxonomy > Classification Scheme) will be filled in automatically. See WorkZone Configurator Guide for more information about setting the default values for case groups.
See Save an email on a new case.
Auto-filled values from the case for new documents created from Outlook
When you create a new case document from Outlook and select a Case, the Case handler and Organizational unit values will be automatically inherited from the selected case.
See Save an email on a new case and Save an email and its attachments as individual documents in WorkZone.
WorkZone 365 feature overview
A new Feature overview topic provides an overview of the WorkZone 365 features that are available from Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office 365 add-ins.

This release enables improvements for saving Outlook emails and merging to Word documents, OAUTH improvements for Outlook Web version, and Graph API support, which allows using WorkZone 365 2024.0 with Exchange Online after deprecation of the Exchange Web Services and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) API.
To use this hotfix, you must perform additional configuration steps: see For WorkZone 365 Hotfix02.
Improvements for working with emails
Improved UI for contact resolution
When you save emails with multiple contacts that match the same email address:
- Contact type information is displayed next to the contact name (previously, it was available in a tooltip);
- Contacts with the same name and email address are alphabetically ordered by their contact type (meaning that you can see all contacts with the same email address next to each other).
- If one of the matching contacts is already a case party, it will automatically be assigned as a document party.
- If one of the matching contacts is already a Case handler on this case and has the Employee contact type, it will automatically be assigned as a document party.
See Manage email parties and Create a new contact.
Improved Letter date for moved emails
For emails that have been moved to another mailbox before being saved to WorkZone (for example, if you use shared mailboxes and move items between a shared mailbox and your own), the Letter date now correctly reflects that email's sent date. Previously, the email's created date was used, which in this scenario reflected the date when the email was moved to another mailbox, but not when it was actually sent (relevant for WorkZone on-premises setup and Microsoft Exchange Online).
Add Primary party for the new cases
If you have the CONFIGADM access rights, you can add Primary party to the Configure new case dialog, and make it a required field, if needed. This will allow users to add Primary party to their newly created WorkZone cases directly from the WorkZone pane in Outlook, Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
OAuth improvements for Outlook web version
A number of authorization pop-ups displayed when using WorkZone 365 with the web version of Outlook has significantly decreased. Previously, you could receive multiple authorization prompts.
Improvements for merging to Word documents
Merge fields for merging case and document information to Word templates now include case and document custom fields of the Unique type.
Prerequisite: Case and document custom fields with the Unique type can be set up by administrators in WorkZone Configurator (under Case > Custom fields and Document > Custom fields). See WorkZone Configurator Guide for more information. - Merge fields for merging case and document information to Word templates now include Case contact (case party) and Document contact (document party) fields, as well as custom fields for cases, documents, case parties, and document parties.
Tip: Custom fields for cases, documents, case parties, and document parties are set up by administrators in WorkZone Configurator under Case > Custom fields, Document > Custom fields, and Contact > Custom fields. See WorkZone Configurator Guide for more information.
- After adding a merge field to a Word template, you will see the placeholder text (title format) for this field. This can help you visualize the existing merge fields, as well as detect any unmerged yet values.
- Upon hovering over a merge field, you will see its most important details. For example, for a merge field Address 1 added for Case > Responsible Unit, a tooltip might say "(Case, Responsible Unit), Address 1".
This can help you easily identify the needed merge field, as well as to distinguish between fields with similar values.
Tip: Tooltips for merge fields can be added and updated by WorkZone administrators. See About merge fields and XML files structure for more information.
WorkZone for Office

250687: Unhandled exception, after which duplicate contacts and duplicate mail documents are created in WorkZone
Some users have reported encountering duplicate emails and contacts when saving from WorkZone for Office. The root cause of this issue was identified as double-clicking on the Save button.
Corrected: This problem has been resolved, and users should no longer experience it.
250656: Add type 'Unique' as a merge field
Contact custom type Unique can be used as a content control now.

252588: (Office 2019/2021): When mail conversation includes recall message requests, users cannot save any mail from that conversation on a case
If email conversation includes recall message requests, users cannot save any mails from that email conversation on a case.

253761: Occasional errors "This file cannot be saved because it is read-only" after starting a process
When enabling editing for a read-only (archived or locked) WorkZone document via Word/Excel/PowerPoint, and then starting a process, WorkZone for Office sometimes shows an error that this file cannot be saved because it is read-only.

261152: Word and Brevtekster(LetterTexts) fail after the upgrade
In some situations, when you use another add-in/template in parallel with WorkZone for Office, it could cause the add-ins conflict during certain events from Microsoft Word.
That could end up in a situation when you create a new Word document from WorkZone Client while Word is not already started, and the new document's window will remain hidden, so if another add-in will display, for example, a form, you will have to enter text without seeing the document context.
Correction: a new HideRedirectionTemplate
Windows registry entry is added to WorkZone for Office Windows Registry. It defines how WorkZone for Office handles the redirection templates when new documents are created from WorkZone Client, and thereby can keep the newly created document visible from the beginning. Enable the HideRedirectionTemplate
registry key to resolve the add-ins conflict and keep the new documents visible.
- When
setting is disabled: WorkZone for Office will close the document and create a new one from the template selected by the user. - When
setting is enabled: WorkZone for Office will make the document invisible instead of closing, and will create a new one from the template selected by the user.
Registry path for your configuration would be: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ScanJour\Clients\Options\...
. See Registry keys.

New feature
Case and document custom fields now support the 'Unique' type
Merge fields for merging case and document information to Word templates now include case and document custom fields of the Unique type.
Bug fixes
249861: Remove pop-up about inconsistent WorkZone for Office versions
Previously, a pop-up has been displayed, if WorkZone for Office client and WorkZone for Office server versions were inconsistent.
Corrected: The pop-up has been removed.
255941: Unhandled Exception upon listing Open Cases & Documents, if Office theme is 'Use System Settings'
CS0057894, INC0019578
Previously, if Office theme was set to Use System Settings, an unhandled exception error was displayed upon listing the Open Cases & Documents.
Corrected: Default color theme is used in such situations, and Open Cases & Documents items are loaded properly.

WorkZone Meeting support for shared mailboxes
This release enables using old WorkZone Meeting add-in with WorkZone for Office, including support for shared mailboxes (which is currently not possible with the new WorkZone Meeting add-in in WorkZone 365).
- This WorkZone Meeting add-in only supports NTLM-authentication (no support for OAuth-based authorization.
- This WorkZone Meeting add-in is not compatible with WorkZone 365.
- This WorkZone Meeting add-in is not supported for Azure AKS.
Installation and setup notes:
- After completing the server-side installation, update the deployment
file as folows:- Add for the Server:
<WZMServer Install="True" Version="2024.0" />
- Add for the Client:
<WZMClient Install="True" Version="2024.0" Url="https://db01.lmdom.local/" />
- Add for the Server:
- After deployment, execute the
file. It needs to be installed on the same server as OData, because this add-in server component is adding a custom OData endpoint definition. If you use Olympus, you can do it like this: - After deployment, perform IISRESET on all servers where you have installed this component.
<Invoke-Command Scriptblock="sqlplus sjsysadm/sjsysadm@db01 "@C:\Install\InsertMeetingIntoVersions.sql"" />
<!-- .... -->

Improved merge of protected CPR contacts
This hotfix contains enhanced technical support and assistance for merging protected CPR contacts, including hiding of both the address and the name of the contact. This is especially beneficial when you send letters to citizens with SmartPost.
WorkZone PDF

INC5135489/238854: Links in PDF/UA documents fail
Links did not work when documents were converted to PDF/UA format.
INC5270681/241658: The WorkZone PDF Crawler admin USER is shown in the Updated by field
After upgrade, the WorkZone PDF Crawler admin user was shown in the Updated by field on cases instead of regular users.

237514: Significant increase of the size of PDF documents when sent as attachments in a SmartPost process
The file size of some PDF documents increased significantly when they were sent as attachments in a SmartPost process.
The size of SmartPost letters with attachments has been reduced.
Please note that this correction requires WorkZone Process hotfix 1.
222508/CS1473851/INC4145553: Failed PDF documents (ModDate)
Some PDF documents could not be generated due to an issue with ModDate.
246423: Documents are downloaded instead opening in the preview pane
PDF documents were downloaded instead of opening in the preview pane.
Corrected. When a PDF rendition is requested, the browser no longer download it as a file.
242599: SmartPost fails on unexpected character when PDF/UA is enabled (Exchange dispatcher)
The SmartPost process failed when using the Exchange dispatcher. The error was caused by an unexpected character when PDF/UA was enabled.
241537: PDF Crawler does not reconnect or fail
The check of the connection status has been improved, and now the container readiness probe returns unhealthy when PDF Crawler cannot access OData.
PDF Crawler performance improvements
The following bugs have been fixed as part of performance improvements of the PDF Crawler service:
237622/ CS1990190/ INC5072540: PDF documents are not generated automatically from Word documents
246234/CS2188718/ INC5409546: PDF Crawler is slow
235313: PDF Crawler performance issue

248521/INC0010203: Missing information on case printouts
Dates and case parties were missing on case printouts.
249548: WZPDF Error when generating PDF documents
A PDF conversion error occurred due to 'incorrect namespaceUri'.
248988: PDF/UA validation failing on environment without internet connection
PDF/UA validation failed on environments without internet connection.

249855/CS0002139: PDF/UA validated documents could not be edited
It was not possible to edit a PDF/UA validated document, for example move or copy pages in the PDF document.

253536/INC0010756: WorkZone PDF Crawler performance issues
To improve performance, the way that PDF Crawler selects files for rendition has been enhanced. Moreover, we have changed the recommended settings for the RecordsLimit, SuspendInterval, and WorkerCount parameters. The default settings are:
RecordsLimit: 50
SuspendInterval: 00:00:30 (30 sec)
WorkerCount: 2
Note that you need to set the values manually when upgrading to this hotfix.
For more information about the parameters and how you can optimize performance, see Configure WorkZone PDF Crawler.
253304/INC0010494: SmartPost fails
WorkZone PDF Engine had synchronization issues with WorkZone PDF Crawler.
245629/CS2072931: The process owner did not receive a PDF/UA validation failed task/smartmail
When sending a SmartPost message with documents that failed the PDF/UA validation, the process owner did not receive a PDF/UA validation failed task/smartmail.

252971/CS0003080: Documents with images without alternative texts are incorrectly PDF/UA approved
Word documents that contain images pass the PDF/UA validation even if the images do not have alternative texts. Images must have alternative texts to be PDF/UA compliant.

257770/CS0017109: PDF Engine does not create a PDF file for emails with {} in the email parties
When converting emails with {} (curly brackets) in the email parties, conversion to PDF fails.

259015: Saving emails without attachments fails with the error code "406-Not Acceptable Response"
It was not possible to save emails without attachments from Outlook even if the Save emails without attachments option was turned on in WorkZone Configurator. The error message "406-Not Acceptable Response" was shown. This bug fix is related to WorkZone 365 Hotfix 1.
WorkZone Process

All 2024.1 WorkZone Process updates are included in the 2024.0 hotfix 1.
New features
SmartPost performance improvement
Sometimes the NgDP response times became slow when checking for NgDP receipts in the NgDP service. This is done through the NgDP service Event Log and in the receipts to ensure all receipts are received. This look-up affected other processes. The issue has been fixed in the NgDP dispatcher.
Bug fixes
237514: Significant increase of the size of PDF documents when sent as attachments in a SmartPost process
The file size of PDF documents increased significantly when they were sent as attachments in a SmartPost process.
The size of SmartPost letters with attachments has been reduced.
245743: WZP webservice: The date format in the user tasks was not aligned with the selected language culture in the clients
When a user with one culture set, for example Danish, created a process through the WZP API, the date format in the user tasks when opened from a client was sometimes not aligned with the selected culture in the client, for example WorkZone Client.
Now, the dates are shown in the culture that the user has selected on the client.
247891: Advanced submissions: Steps were broken after editing a process
An error occurred when approving advanced processes that that had been edited. The states of the steps in the process were broken.
The states of the steps are now same as before editing the process.
INC5294029/CS2110012/242636: Inconsistent replies from NgDP as to whether a contact is subscribed to Digital Post
Inconsistent replies from NgDP as to whether a contact is subscribing to Digital Post or not is resolved by recognizing replies with no error and no reply as no subscription to digital postal. The issue has occurred for contacts with CPR who live abroad.
245695: New subscription status Closed NgDP
NgDP has introduced a new Closed status for contacts’ mailboxes. WorkZone handled this status as if the contact was not subscribed to Digital Post.
CS0001759: SmartPost issues
Release 66 from Digitaliseringsstyrelsen reintroduced an EventTag that broke the backward compatibility of WorkZone. As a result, receipts were delivered and received incorrectly in WorkZone, and customers could experience that SmartPost processes failed with the error "Dispatcher NgDP PROD failed with error: e-Boks error. Server error 1999: Error getting Contact response TooManyRequests 429 Too Many Requests". The error was shown in the workflow log.
246004: Asynchronous sync of NgDP receipts
There was an issue with asynchronous synchronization of NgDP receipts.
The issue has been corrected to make sure that long NgDP response times do not drain the application pool.
Known issues
New NgDP dispatchers have the same names as old e-Boks dispatchers
After upgrade, new NgDP dispatchers are created instead of the new versions e-Boks dispatchers. The names of the old e-Boks dispatcher and the new NgDP dispatchers are identical, which makes it difficult to see which dispatcher is used by the e-Boks message handler service workflow.
To work around this issue, you can set an end date on the dispatcher that you do not want to use and make sure that the e-Boks message handler service workflow points to the dispatcher without end date.
SmartPost messages are not sent to copy recipient (same as recipient)
After upgrade, messages are not sent to the copy recipient if the copy recipient is the same as the recipient.

- If you are upgrading to 2024.0, install hotfix 2 and skip hotfix 1.
- If you use WorkZone Mass Dispatch, you must complete all mass dispatch processes before you install this hotfix. Any active mass dispatch processes will not continue to run after the upgrade.
New feature
SmartPost Extended logging
You can now enable extended logging by turning on a new DebugOutput setting in the NgDP dispatcher in WorkZone Configurator. If you turn on this setting, all requests to the NgDP service will be written to the workflow log. You should only turn on this setting if you are investigating errors from Digitalieringsstyrelsen's NgDP service.
By default the setting is turned off.
See DebugOutput and Logging communication with the NgDP service.
Bug fixes
The SmartPost history documents do not show the external ID
When a SmartPost message failed, the External Id field in the history was empty.
Now, the history document shows the MessageUUID of the sent message in Eksternal Id field.

If you use WorkZone Mass Dispatch, WorkZone Mass Dispatch Hotfix 3 is required because the functionality of WorkZone Process and WorkZone Mass Dispatch are interconnected.
You must complete all active mass dispatch processes before you upgrade to WorkZone Process 2024.0 Hotfix 3 and WorkZone Mass Dispatch 2024.0 Hotfix 3. It is not possible to install WorkZone Process hotfix 3, if there are active mass dispatch processes.
New feature
Monitor cases that are locked by inactive processes
The process monitor also monitors cases that are locked by inactive processes. The process monitor service workflow can monitor if processes fail and release cases that are locked by the SJPROCESSUSER even though the process is no longer active. In such situations the process monitor removes the write access codes from the case and thereby also from the documents that are connected to the cases and inherits the write access code, which makes it possible to work with the case and its documents in WorkZoneagain.
See Process Monitor in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide.
Bug fixes
253359: Performance issue with case activities when using the UpdateEntity activity effect
Customers who have defined a considerable number of custom properties experienced reduced performance when using the UpdateEntity activity effect.
The performance was reduced if OData requests do not have projections. If, for example, you want to use an OData request to read the case number and the OData request doesn't have a projection, all information about the case is retrieved, not only the case number, which affected performance. Now, all OData requests have projections.
251546: SmartPost fails when sending attachments as separate documents
SmartPost fails when sending a SmartPost message with attachments and selecting the Send attachments as separate documents (only e-Boks/NgDP/Exchange) checkbox in the Send SmartPost dialog.
253027: Parallel service workflows are only running in parallel for 29 hours
When running a parallel service workflow, for example the Case monitoring service workflow, in an environment with multiple agent servers, the service workflow only ran on one server after 29 hours.

If you use WorkZone Mass Dispatch, you must complete all active mass dispatch processes before you upgrade to WorkZone Process 2024.0 Hotfix 4. It is not possible to install WorkZone Process hotfix 4, if there are active mass dispatch processes.
INC0013968/257784: SmartPost messages fail with the status Not specified
Sometimes the PDF service failed when it was called synchronously, which resulted in failed SmartPost messages.

Installation notes:
This hotfix is relevant if you use SmartPost or Mass dispatch towards NgDP.
If you use WorkZone Mass Dispatch, you must complete all active mass dispatch processes before you upgrade to WorkZone Process 2024.0 Hotfix 5. It is not possible to install WorkZone Process hotfix 5, if there are active mass dispatch processes.
New features
SmartPost: Support for MeMo v1.2
The NgDP dispatcher now supports MeMo v1.2 from Digitaliseringsstyrelsen (Agency for Digital Government). For information about MeMo v1.2 , please refer to MeMo v1.2 dokumentation og øget validering on Digitaliseringsstyrelsen's web site (only in Danish).
The MeMo v1.0 will be deprecated March 2025. Public authorities, that use the e-Boks dispatcher to send messages to NgDP, should switch to the NgDP dispatcher before March 2025.
Private companies cannot use NgDP; only public companies are allowed to use it. However, private companies can continue to use the e-Boks dispatcher to send messages to e-Boks. It is a matter of configuring the e-Boks dispatcher to point towards e-Boks and not NgDP.
Additional file types
With the MeMo v1.2 update, the number of file types that you can send or receive as documents via SmartPost has been expanded. Sending SmartPost messages is unchanged as you can only send messages as PDF documents but now SmartPost can also receive the new file types on the allowed file types list. To use a new file type, make sure that this file type is also configured in WorkZone Configurator, see Supported file types.
For a list of supported file types, please see Tilladte filtyper og -navne i Digital Post on Digitaliseringsstyrelsen's web site (only in Danish).
Invalid characters
The NgDP dispatcher now checks for and removes invalid characters in the file name of the generated PDF document based on the expanded list of invalid characters from Digitaliseringsstyrelsen. See Øget validering af filnavne og URI i Actions for både MeMo version 1.1 og 1.2 on Digitaliseringsstyrelsen's web site (only in Danish).
UseMemo12 parameter
A new UseMemo12 parameter has been added to the NgDP dispatcher. Turn on this setting if you plan to use MeMo v1.2 starting from March 3, 2025, when Digitaliseringsstyrelsen (Agency for Digital Government) releases MeMo v1.2. Please do not turn on the setting until after this date.
See NgDP parameters.
Bug fixes
CS0048873: Failed SmartPost dispatches due to performance issues
This hotfix addresses a performance issue that caused failed dispatches when sending letters with attachments as separate documents.
263536: Error code 429 is shown when uploading a document
In rare cases, an error code 429 is shown when you upload a document in the Send SmartPost dialog.

If you use WorkZone Mass Dispatch, you must complete all active mass dispatch processes before you upgrade to WorkZone Process 2024.0 Hotfix 6. It is not possible to install WorkZone Process hotfix 6, if there are active mass dispatch processes.
254065/INC0010765: SmartPost: Formatting of number fields fails
In some cases, when merging decimal numbers into fields, a wrong locale format was shown in the number field.
Corrected. Now, the format of the merging field matches the proofing language in the section of the Word document that contains the content control.
WorkZone Mass Dispatch

New feature
Mass dispatch supports the NgDP dispatcher
Mass dispatch now supports use of the NgDP dispatcher. As of the 2024.0 release, you must use the NgDP dispatcher instead of the e-Boks dispatcher.


WorkZone Mass Dispatch Hotfix 3 is required because the functionality of WorkZone Process and WorkZone Mass Dispatch are interconnected.
See WorkZone Process Hotfix 3.
WorkZone Export/Import

246056: The ALLEEMNER access code was automatically added during import
During exports of configurations, the ALLEEMNER access code was automatically added to Access code fields in the JSON file when the field was empty or null.
Now, Access code fields that are empty or null, are no longer exported. When the Access code fields are added, the fields are exported to the JSON file with the correct value, but are not imported to WorkZone Configurator.
WorkZone Interact
Der er ingen hotfix til denne version.