What's new in WorkZone Client

UI enhancements

Refreshed design

Icons, tabs and ribbons in WorkZone Client have received a refreshed design.

Improved navigation for open tabs

You can always see the full list of your currently open tabs by clicking the new drop-down arrow at the right corner of the main ribbon. A grey dot . indicator will appear above the drop-down arrow, if some of your open tabs do not fit the main ribbon. Such tabs will be greyed out in the drop-down list.

  • You can search for the needed tab within the list of your currently open tabs using the Search bar at the top of the drop-down. Click Alt+A to open the drop-down and select the Search bar for the top tabs on the main ribbon, and Alt+Shift+A to open the drop-down and select the Search bar for the detail tabs on the detail ribbon.

Entity validation rules for WorkZone items

Your WorkZone administrators can set up entity validation rules in WorkZone Configurator to disable or restrict the possibility of updating a WorkZone entity (a case, a contact, a document, or a custom type), until certain criteria are met. If you try to edit an entity that has validation rules applied to it, and your update does not meet the specified criteria, you will see an error message with the reason of a failed update and a link to the entity item, so you go directly to it and perform the needed changes. See Entity validation rules.

Cases, documents and contacts

Use custom tabs based on the OData query filter

You can use custom tabs for cases, documents, contacts, or custom types based on a manually inserted OData query filter. This way you can use advanced dynamic filters with as many conditions as you need applicable to the context of your current WorkZone item.


Your WorkZone administrator must first create custom tabs based on the OData query filter and add them to the case, document, contact, or custom type detail pages. See Create custom tabs based on OData query filter.

Cases and documents

View organizational chart for case or document units

On the case detail page and document detail page, you can view the hierarchy structure (that is, organizational chart) for the units (for example, Responsible unit and Acting unit) assigned to this case or document. See View organizational chart for a case or document unit.

Case and document life cycles extended with additional values

Life cycle lists for cases and documents now include the following values:

  • Document life cycle:
    • Classification
    • Retention code
    • Retention date
    • Deleted by
  • Case life cycle:

    • Default document classification
    • Retention code
    • Retention date
    • Deleted by

This means that you can track changes of these values when viewing the case or document life cycle.

Tip: Add the needed columns to a relevant life cycle tab. See Add / Remove columns in a list.


Remove all annotations from a redacted PDF document


  • A licensed version of Advanced PDF (either the Annotation and Redaction license or the Advanced Editing license) must be available to your organization.
  • The Redaction Advanced PDF feature must be enabled in WorkZone Configurator (Global > Feature settings > Client > Redaction).

New Remove all annotations check box is available in the confirmation dialog for applying the redactions to a PDF document. Selecting this check box will remove from the document all non-redaction annotations (such as comments, and so on) and only apply the redactions. See Apply redactions.

Note: Only annotations that have an author can be removed in such way.

Mass editing available for the Letter Date

You can edit the Letter Date value for multiple documents in a list. See Edit multiple items in a list.

Prerequisite: You must first enable the Letter Date field for mass editing from a list. See Enable mass editing of custom fields that are not displayed.

Your last selected template is remembered in the Print case dialog

In the Print case dialog, your last selected Template is remembered and pre-selected automatically.

  • This information is stored under private configuration.