What's new

New features and functionality in WorkZone Process 2022.0

Next generation Digital Post (NgDP)

The NgDP integration has been adapted to reflect the latest changes to NgDP released by the Agency for Digitisation. The WorkZone NgDP integration can be used in production when the Agency for Digitisation releases NgDP November 30, 2021.

The WorkZone NgDP integration now also supports the PULL model.

The NgDP documentation has been updated accordingly. See Configure SmartPost to use NgDP in this guide and Install and configure WorkZone e-Boks Push Service in the WorkZone Installation Guide.

If you need help with the implementation of the NgDP integration, KMDWorkZone Consulting offers NgDP relevant services. Please contact your Service Delivery Manager for more information.

Case activities

Graphs are now called processes in the DCR Design Portal. The case activities topics in this guide have been revised according to the name change.

See About case activities .

Service workflow check when started

When a service workflow is started and an identical service workflow is already running or scheduled to start on any WorkZone agent server, the newly started workflow will be canceled in favor of the already running or already scheduled workflow.

Previously, it was possible to start the same service workflow multiple times, for example starting multiple e-Boks Handler service workflows would result in the same e-Boks message being received and saved multiple times.

e-Boks dispatcher ignores incoming messages that already exist

If an already received e-Boks messages is received again, the incoming e-Boks message will be ignored in order to avoid duplicates of identical e-Boks messages in WorkZone.

Previously, duplicates of identical e-Boks messages could occur due to inconsistent checking of incoming messages.