What's new
Improvements for saving multiple emails
- You can categorize multiple saved emails as saved to WorkZone (supported only with Microsoft Exchange Server Online).
- When saving multiple emails, you can track your progress via a progress bar. It will also show the status of each item.
- Contact resolution: If there is more than one contact registered with the same email address in the WorkZone database, you will need to select which contact to save as a party on the selected email to proceed with saving the email. To do this, click the
Parties tab, select which contact to save, and click Resolve.
- Email parties from the saved emails are now saved as document parties on the newly created WorkZone documents. See Save multiple emails.
- When saving multiple emails, you can save their attachments as individual WorkZone documents. You can choose to either save the attachments as main documents on a case or as supplementary documents to the email. See Save multiple emails, step 4.
- If you have the CONFIGADM access rights, you can configure the fields in the Create new case dialog for multiple saved emails. See Configure the new case fields.
WorkZone 365 for shared mailboxes with Microsoft Exchange Server 2019
WorkZone 365 functionality is now supported for shared mailboxes with Microsoft Exchange Server 2019. Previously, shared mailboxes were only supported with Microsoft Exchange Server Online.
Improvements for merging to Word documents
- When you click Merge, values from the inserted merge fields will automatically merge to the same document. Previously, a new document with the values from the inserted merge fields was opened.
- Two new buttons, Save and Merge and Merge as Copy are now available for merging actions:
- Save and Merge (only displayed for non-WorkZone documents): Merge the inserted merge fields and save current document to WorkZone. See Merge information to a non-WorkZone document.
- Merge as Copy (only displayed for WorkZone documents): Merge the inserted merge fields and save a copy of the current document as a new WorkZone document. See Merge information and save a copy of an existing WorkZone document.
Improvements for working with emails
Save emails without attachments
Your organization can decide whether to include attachments into the email message (email body) file that you save to WorkZone. This is configured by your WorkZone administrator in WorkZone Configurator under 365 > Outlook configuration > Email attachments > Save emails without attachments.
- When Save emails without attachments setting is enabled: The email message will be saved to WorkZone without any attached files (embedded elements, such as logos, graphical signatures and so on, will not be removed). When saving the email message, you can select to save its attachments as separate supplementary documents or main documents on the same case.
- Digitally signed emails will be saved without the digital signature.
- Encrypted emails will be saved as a single file, including the attachments. Additionally, you can save the attachments as separate supplementary documents or main documents on the same case.
- When Save emails without attachments setting is disabled: The email message will be saved to WorkZone together with all its attachments merged into a single file. Additionally, when saving the email message, you can select to save the attachments as separate supplementary documents or main documents on the same case.
See Save an email and its attachments as WorkZone documents.
Save multiple emails
You can save multiple emails to WorkZone at once. See Save multiple emails.
Improved flow for Word documents
After you save a Word document to WorkZone, or merge WorkZone content control fields to a Word document, your WorkZone version of this document will automatically open and the initial (non-WorkZone) Word document will close. Previously, both your initial Word document and its WorkZone version remained open, so you needed to close the non-WorkZone document and switch to its WorkZone version to continue working.
See Add a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document to WorkZone and Merge information to a non-WorkZone document.
WorkZone 365 functionality supported for shared mailboxes
WorkZone functionality is now supported for shared mailboxes.
For shared mailboxes, WorkZone functionality is only supported on Microsoft 365 with Exchange Server Online (it is not supported on Microsoft Office 2019 or Microsoft Office 2021, and with Exchange Server 2019). WorkZone email categories for shared mailboxes are not supported yet.
Improvements for cases and documents
Create new cases from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
You can now create new cases from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and then save your document on it. See Save a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document on a new case.
Configuration improvements
Configure the Create new case dialog in Outlook
If you have the CONFIGADM access rights, you can configure fields in the Create new case dialog. See Configure the new case fields.
DateTime custom fields available for WorkZone pane
You can add the DateTime custom fields with the date and time pickers to WorkZone pane, and enter the date and time values for WorkZone documents directly from Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
- A custom field with the DateTime type must first be set up by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator. See WorkZone Configurator Guide for more information.
- You must have the
access code to configure the WorkZone pane.
See Configure the WorkZone pane and Set date and time.
Most recently used documents shown in the Document search pane
In the Document search pane, a list of your most recently used documents is shown, so you can quickly select the needed items and attach to an email as files, links or PDF documents. For more advanced searching, click to open the Document search pane in a larger view, and enter your search criteria. See Search and attach WorkZone documents from an email.
Manage access restrictions for cases and documents
When working with WorkZone cases and documents from Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can view and edit access restrictions (that it, read and write access codes) that apply to these cases or documents. See Manage access restrictions for cases and documents.
Auto-filled values from the case group for new cases
When you create a new case and select a Case group, fields that were defined for this case group by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator (under Taxonomy > Classification Scheme) will be filled in automatically. See WorkZone Configurator Guide for more information about setting the default values for case groups.
- You can edit of the auto-filled fields manually, if needed.
- If you edit any fields manually, these fields will not be overwritten with the auto-filled values.
See Save an email on a new case.
Auto-filled values from the case for new documents created from Outlook
When you create a new case document from Outlook and select a Case, the Case handler and Organizational unit values will be automatically inherited from the selected case.
- For case documents created from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, the Case handler and Organizational unit values will not be inherited from the selected case. Instead, the Case handler will be the current user, and the Organizational unit will be the current user's unit.
- You can edit any of the auto-filled fields manually, if needed.
- If you edit any fields manually, these fields will not be overwritten with the auto-filled values.
See Save an email on a new case and Save an email and its attachments as WorkZone documents.
Improvements for case creation
Create new Standard cases from Outlook
You can now create new cases with the Standard case category. See Standard case for more information about Standard cases.
Configuration improvements
Configure the Create new case dialog in Outlook
If you have the CONFIGADM access rights, you can configure fields in the Create new case dialog. See Configure the new case fields.
DateTime custom fields available for WorkZone pane
You can add the DateTime custom fields with the date and time pickers to WorkZone pane, and enter the date and time values for WorkZone documents directly from Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
- A custom field with the DateTime type must first be set up by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator. See WorkZone Configurator Guide for more information.
- You must have the
access code to configure the WorkZone pane.
Case filter added for parties
When adding parties to an Outlook email or a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document, you can now select a case and use the new Filter parties by case filter to only see parties from the selected case. See Manage email parties and Manage document parties.
Create new cases from Outlook
You can create new WorkZone cases directly from Outlook. See Save an email on a new case.
Improvements for working with WorkZone meetings
- You can create WorkZone meetings as an attendee. Previously, only meeting organizers could create WorkZone meetings. See Create a new WorkZone meeting.
- You can open a WorkZone meeting case in WorkZone Client directly from the WorkZone pane. Open a WorkZone meeting in WorkZone Client.
- If multiple WorkZone meetings exist for the same Outlook meeting (for example, if several participants have created parallel WorkZone meetings due to access restrictions to an already existing meeting case), they will be listed under the Case droplist on the WorkZone pane, so you can select the needed meeting case.
Send WorkZone documents as email attachments
When creating emails in Outlook, you can attach to them one or more WorkZone documents. You can attach WorkZone documents to your emails in two ways:
- Copy the needed documents to your clipboard in WorkZone Client, and then attach them to your new email in Outlook.
- Search for the needed documents from the WorkZone pane in Outlook, and then attach them to your new email.
See Send WorkZone documents as email attachments.
Improvements for saving emails to WorkZone
- When saving email attachments in form of images, you can now preview the images by hovering the mouse over them. See Save an email and its attachments as WorkZone documents.
- Saving emails and email attachments is now supported for the on-premise installations of WorkZone.Note: The mail categories for emails saved to WorkZone are not supported for the on-premise installations yet.
More content controls (merge fields) supported for merging case and document information to Word templates
Content controls for merging case and document information to Word templates now include:
- for cases: Case Officer, Unit, Acting Unit, Date, and Information values
- for documents: Record Officer, Unit, Acting Unit, Date, Information
See Merge case, document, and contact information into a Word document.
Improvements for saving emails to WorkZone
When saving emails from Outlook, case data will automatically refresh upon clicking the Case droplist. So, for example, if you have created a new case during the email registration, that new case will appear at the top of the Case droplist. Previously you had to close and reopen the WorkZone 365 to get the new data.
Improvements for saving emails to WorkZone
- Save an already saved email on another WorkZone case, with or without editing the metadata. See Save an email on another case.
- When saving email attachments to WorkZone, you can now edit their metadata. See Save an email and its attachments as WorkZone documents
- You can now remove all parties from an email at once. Previously, you could only remove email parties one by one. See Manage email parties.